This project contains few modules :
color_tracker - Simple color tracker for red ball.
optical_flow_robotic -> Simple Object Follower implemented with optical flow algorithm.
tester -> sample python server for testing our clients in java/c++/python
test_keyboard.py -> sample python script to test keyboard
face_detecting.py -> simple face detecting, first download these files before use: https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/tree/master/data/haarcascades
turtlebot_client -> python script to control turtlebot from laptop with using keyboard
turtlebot_teleop_key -> Our server on robot side to control wheels.
##Server! ##
Install ros hydro on turtlebot
copy turtlebot_teleop_key ~/turtlebot/src/turtlebot_apps/turtlebot_teleop/scripts/
Use ifconfig to get ip address of turtlebot
Set correct ip in ~/turtlebot/src/turtlebot_apps/turtlebot_teleop/script/turtlebot_teleop_key
###Turtlebot teleop key ###
- Must have : Unix + opencv + python2.7 + gcc
You need to setup a IP address for turtlebot.
and cmake it :)!
###optical flow robotic ###
- Set server ip address in client.py
- Set correct ip in settings menu
Have fun!