Its Spring boot REST API which returns list of recorded crimes for premier league football stadiums sorted by year and month
GET /premier-league/football-stadium/recoredcrimes
Returns the list of recorded crimes for premier-league football stadium.
GET /premier-league/football-stadium/recoredcrimes?date={YYYY-MM}
Returns the list of recorded crimes for premier-league football stadium for given date.
Instructions to run the application:
- Download the project
- mvn clean install
- Run the FootballStadiumRecordedCrimeApplication. Then make a query to the recorded crimes service API using postman or curl request.
Example to query in postman:
GET /localhost:8080/premier-league/football-stadium/recoredcrimes
GET /localhost:8080/premier-league/football-stadium/recoredcrimes?date=2018-08
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