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Formatted forward_diff_kernels.jl
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JulianTrommer committed Jul 22, 2024
1 parent 60195b0 commit ed42ed7
Showing 1 changed file with 61 additions and 51 deletions.
112 changes: 61 additions & 51 deletions src/forward_diff_kernels.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,135 +9,145 @@ import ForwardDiff: Dual, Partials

_view(X, colons, k) = view(X, colons..., k...)
_view(X, colons, k::Union{Integer, CartesianIndex}) = view(X, colons..., k)

maximum_dims(dims::AbstractArray{<:Integer}) = (maximum(dims), )
maximum_dims(dims::AbstractArray{NTuple{N, T}}) where {N,T} = ntuple(i -> maximum(x->x[i], dims), N)
maximum_dims(dims::AbstractArray{CartesianIndex{N}}) where {N} = ntuple(i -> maximum(x->x[i], dims), N)

maximum_dims(dims::AbstractArray{<:Integer}) = (maximum(dims),)
function maximum_dims(dims::AbstractArray{NTuple{N, T}}) where {N, T}
ntuple(i -> maximum(x -> x[i], dims), N)
function maximum_dims(dims::AbstractArray{CartesianIndex{N}}) where {N}
ntuple(i -> maximum(x -> x[i], dims), N)

scatter_empty(op, T) = Base.reduce_empty(op, T)
scatter_empty(op::typeof(-), T) = zero(T)
scatter_empty(op::typeof(/), T) = one(T)
scatter_empty(op::typeof(min), T) = typemax(T)
scatter_empty(op::typeof(max), T) = typemin(T)
# scatter_empty(op::typeof(mean), T) = zero(T)

function NNlib.scatter(op::OP, src::AnyCuArray{Tsrc , Nsrc}, idx::AnyCuArray{Tidx, Nidx};
init = nothing, dstsize = nothing) where {Tsrc <: Dual{T, V, N},Tidx,Nsrc,Nidx,OP} where {T, V, N}
function NNlib.scatter(op::OP, src::AnyCuArray{Tsrc, Nsrc}, idx::AnyCuArray{Tidx, Nidx};
init = nothing, dstsize = nothing) where {
Tsrc <: Dual{T, V, N}, Tidx, Nsrc, Nidx, OP} where {T, V, N}
dims = Nsrc - Nidx
dstsz = isnothing(dstsize) ? (size(src)[1:dims]..., maximum_dims(idx)...) : dstsize
dstsz = isnothing(dstsize) ? (size(src)[1:dims]..., maximum_dims(idx)...) : dstsize
dst = similar(src, Tsrc, dstsz)
xinit = isnothing(init) ? scatter_empty(op, Tsrc) : init
xinit = isnothing(init) ? scatter_empty(op, Tsrc) : init
fill!(dst, xinit)

return my_scatter(op, dst, src, idx)

function my_scatter(op::OP, dst::AnyCuArray{Tdst, Ndst}, src::AnyCuArray{Tsrc, Nsrc} , idx::AnyCuArray{Tidx, Nidx}) where {Tsrc <: Dual{T, V, N},Nsrc,Tidx,Nidx, Tdst, Ndst, OP} where {T, V, N}
function my_scatter(op::OP,
dst::AnyCuArray{Tdst, Ndst},
src::AnyCuArray{Tsrc, Nsrc},
idx::AnyCuArray{Tidx, Nidx}) where {
Tsrc <: Dual{T, V, N}, Nsrc, Tidx, Nidx, Tdst, Ndst, OP} where {T, V, N}

# Allocate Cuda Memory for the Kernels to read from
dst_i = CuArray{V}(undef, (size(dst)..., N+1))
src_i = CuArray{V}(undef, (size(src)..., N+1))
# Create a tuple similar to Tidx but with one more element
dst_i = CuArray{V}(undef, (size(dst)..., N + 1))
src_i = CuArray{V}(undef, (size(src)..., N + 1))

# Create a tuple similar to Tidx but with one more element
if Tidx <: Tuple
t = typeof(ntuple(x -> one(Tidx.parameters[1]), length(t.parameters)+1))
t = typeof(ntuple(x -> one(Tidx.parameters[1]), length(t.parameters) + 1))
t = typeof(ntuple(x -> one(Tidx), 2))

# Allocate Space for the larger idx array that is need for scatter!
idx_i = CuArray{t}(undef, (size(idx)..., N+1))
idx_i = CuArray{t}(undef, (size(idx)..., N + 1))

# Copy dst, src and idx to there cuArray Copy
copy_dual_to_matrix(dst_i, dst)
copy_dual_to_matrix(dst_i, dst)
copy_dual_to_matrix(src_i, src)
modify_index(idx_i, idx)

# Now the scatter! function of the cuDNN library can be run
NNlib.scatter!(op, dst_i, src_i, idx_i)
NNlib.scatter!(op, dst_i, src_i, idx_i)

# Create an array that contains tuples for the partials of a Dual Number
#function f(x...)
# return x
#tuples = f.([view(dst_i, repeat([:], ndims(dst_i)-1)..., i) for i in 2:(N+1)]...)

slices = [view(dst_i, repeat([:], ndims(dst_i)-1)..., i) for i in 2:(N+1)]
tuples = cu(reshape([Tuple(slices[i][j] for i in 1:length(slices)) for j in 1:prod(size(dst))], size(dst)))
slices = [view(dst_i, repeat([:], ndims(dst_i) - 1)..., i) for i in 2:(N + 1)]
tuples = cu(reshape(
[Tuple(slices[i][j] for i in 1:length(slices)) for j in 1:prod(size(dst))],

# Copy the Result of the Computation into the destination array
modify_dual(dst , view(dst_i, repeat([:], ndims(dst_i)-1)..., 1), tuples)
modify_dual(dst, view(dst_i, repeat([:], ndims(dst_i) - 1)..., 1), tuples)

return dst

function copy_dual_to_matrix(dst_i, dst)
kernel = CUDA.@cuda launch=false copy_dual_to_matrix_kernel(dst_i, dst)
config = CUDA.launch_configuration(; max_threads=256)
config = CUDA.launch_configuration(; max_threads = 256)
threads = min(config.threads, length(dst_i))
blocks = cld(length(dst_i), threads)
kernel(dst_i, dst; threads=threads, blocks=blocks)

kernel(dst_i, dst; threads = threads, blocks = blocks)

function copy_dual_to_matrix_kernel(src::CuDeviceArray{V}, dst::CuDeviceArray{<: Dual{T, V, N}}) where {T, V, N}
function copy_dual_to_matrix_kernel(
src::CuDeviceArray{V}, dst::CuDeviceArray{<:Dual{T, V, N}}) where {T, V, N}
index = threadIdx().x + (blockIdx().x - 1) * blockDim().x
if index <= length(src)

if index <= length(src)
# Convert the Linear Index index into Koordinates in src
ci = CartesianIndices(src)
loc = Tuple(ci[index])

# Copy all values of a dual number into there respectiv location
if loc[end] == 1
src[loc...] = dst[loc[1:end-1]...].value
src[loc...] = dst[loc[1:end-1]...].partials[loc[end]-1]
src[loc...] = dst[loc[1:(end - 1)]...].value
src[loc...] = dst[loc[1:(end - 1)]...].partials[loc[end] - 1]

return nothing

function modify_index(src, dst)
kernel = CUDA.@cuda launch=false modify_index_kernel(src, dst)
config = CUDA.launch_configuration(; max_threads=256)
kernel = CUDA.@cuda launch=false modify_index_kernel(src, dst)
config = CUDA.launch_configuration(; max_threads = 256)
threads = min(length(src), config.threads)
blocks = cld(length(src), threads)
kernel(src, dst; threads=threads, blocks=blocks)

kernel(src, dst; threads = threads, blocks = blocks)

function modify_index_kernel(src::CuDeviceArray, dst::CuDeviceArray)
index = threadIdx().x + (blockIdx().x - 1) * blockDim().x

if index <= length(src)
ci = CartesianIndices(src)
loc = Tuple(ci[index])
src[loc...] = (dst[loc[1:end-1]...]..., loc[end])
src[loc...] = (dst[loc[1:(end - 1)]...]..., loc[end])

return nothing

function modify_dual(dst, v, src)
kernel = CUDA.@cuda launch=false dual_kernel(dst, v, src)
config = CUDA.launch_configuration(; max_threads=256)
config = CUDA.launch_configuration(; max_threads = 256)
threads = min(length(dst), config.threads)
blocks = cld(length(dst), threads)
kernel(dst, v, src; threads=threads, blocks=blocks)

kernel(dst, v, src; threads = threads, blocks = blocks)

function dual_kernel(dst::CuDeviceArray{<: Dual{T, V, N}}, v::CuDeviceArray{V}, src::CuDeviceArray{NTuple{N, V}}) where {T, V, N}
function dual_kernel(dst::CuDeviceArray{<:Dual{T, V, N}}, v::CuDeviceArray{V},
src::CuDeviceArray{NTuple{N, V}}) where {T, V, N}
index = threadIdx().x + (blockIdx().x - 1) * blockDim().x

if index <= length(src)
ci = CartesianIndices(dst)
loc = Tuple(ci[index])
dst[loc...]= Dual{T, V, N}(v[loc...], Partials{N, V}(src[loc...]))
dst[loc...] = Dual{T, V, N}(v[loc...], Partials{N, V}(src[loc...]))
return nothing

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