This repository is to keep track of analysis exploration of the data UNHCR shares openly on its activities through IATI - International Aid Transparency Initiative.
The objective is to set up both reproducible analytical pipeline and training material to promote such type of analysis within UNHCR.
The package can include:
- functions to re-organise key information in the correct format for Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAG) Analysis
- report template with paremeter based on country and indicator selections
- vignettes to provide tutorials for eack key step of the analysis based on showcased examples
- Package to tidy UNHCR Data Dump on IATI that are available from 2016 onward here
- A description of UNHCR Indicators framework before the last revision - and summary table
- An intro to UNHCR Revised Result Based Framework
- Introducition to Directed Acyclic Graphs Analysis
- Examples