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Symbolically Aligning Observed and Modelled Behaviour

This repository hosts the results for the paper.

Please note that all experiments in the paper were performed on an Intel CoreTM i7-4710MQ processor with 2.50GHz and 7.4Gib memory, running Debian Stretch.

Submitted and accepted by ACSD 2018.


* Supported by the 3TU.BSR project.


Conformance checking is a branch of process mining that aims to assess to what degree a given set of log traces and a corresponding reference model conform to each other. The state-of-the-art approach in conformance checking is based on the concept of alignments. Alignments express the observed behaviour in terms of the reference model while minimizing the number of mismatches between the event data and the model. The currently known best algorithm for constructing alignments applies the A* shortest path algorithm for each trace of event data.

In this work, we apply insights from the field of model checking to aid conformance checking. We investigate whether alignments can be computed efficiently via symbolic reachability with decision diagrams. We designed a symbolic algorithm for computing shortest-paths on graphs restricted to 0- and 1-cost edges (which is typical for alignments).

We have implemented our approach in the LTSmin model checking toolset and compare its performance with the A* implementation supported by ProM. We generated more than 4000 experiments (Petri net model and log trace combinations) by setting various parameters, and analysed performance and related these to structural properties.

Our empirical study shows that the symbolic technique is in general better suited for computing alignments on large models than the A* approach. Our approach is better performing in cases where the size of the state-space tends to blow up. Based on our experiments we conclude that the techniques are complementary, since there is a significant number of cases where A* outperforms the symbolic technique and vice versa.


We provide installation details below for a Linux system (we tested this on Debian Stretch 9).

Installing dependencies

  • sudo apt-get install build-essential automake autoconf libtool libpopt-dev zlib1g-dev zlib1g flex ant asciidoc xmlto doxygen wget git bison cmake libgmp-dev libhwloc-dev

Obtain the this git repository

  • git clone
  • cd SymbolicAlign-ACSD18

Install Sylvan (more information:

  • git clone -b v1.1.0
  • cd sylvan
  • mkdir build
  • cd build
  • cmake ..
  • make && make test && sudo make install
  • cd ../..

Install LTSmin (more information:

  • git clone -b acsd18 --recursive
  • cd ltsmin
  • ./ltsminreconf
  • export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib # to find
  • ./configure --without-doxygen --disable-dependency-tracking PCK_CONFIG_PATH="/opt/local/lib/pkgconfig"
  • make
  • sudo make install

Installing the helper tool (written in Go)

The binary file pnmlprod in the current repository should work for most linux distributions, otherwise, the program can be obtained at:

  • go get

(Please make sure that you have a working Go installation and make sure that $GOPATH/bin is in your PATH)

If you experience any issues with the installation please consult the linked websites for further instructions. Otherwise, please contact the first author (Vincent Bloemen) for further help.

Running Experiments

The test directory contains an example model (test/model.pnml) and XES log file (test/log.xes). You can create a synchronous product of the model and each log trace in the log file by using the command (the last argument is the directory for the output files):

  • pnmlprod -p test/model.pnml test/log.xes test

This will generate synchronous products for the model and every log trace in test/log.xes. It also generates DOT files, that represent the model and synchronous products.

The symbolic algorithm can then be used with the following command:

  • pnml2lts-sym --edge-label=name --order=align --trace=trace.txt --align-variant=double-smallest test/syncmodel-0.pnml

Which will generate a trace.txt.gcf file, which can be converted to a human-readable trace.txt file with:

  • ltsmin-printtrace -q trace.txt.gcf > trace.txt

Which can finally be converted into an alignment using the pnmlprod tool:

  • pnmlprod -a test/syncmodel-0.pnml trace.txt

Which will look similar to the following:

(l | l : logs0n0)
(» | τ : n109)
(h | h : logs1n0)
(t | t : logs2n1)
(d | d : logs3n0)
(» | τ : n110)
(d | » : logt4)
(i | i : logs5n0)
(r | r : logs6n0)
(» | τ : n93)
(» | τ : n133)


All data used in the paper is available at the 4TU data centre:


Symbolically Aligning Observed and Modelled Behaviour






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