- common |-- devices |-- fpga_7series |-- kc705 |-- vc709 |-- tutorials |-- modelsim |-- vivado
- hls4ml
- lhc
|-- resourse-list.md |-- aurora |-- RD53_manuals |-- thesese - verilog-nn |-- resourse-list.md |-- whitepapaers
Collection of documents, links and other resources for UW's ACME Lab. Some of these resources are currently tracked as external links and may require CERN or UW authentication and internet connection to access.
To use, just open the folder named after the acme lab groups and view files for a list of links, titles and discriptions to documents and other resources. For additional help refer to the README within the group folder.
- When making changes to folder or file names, please be thorough in revising every internal link.
- When adding a document and external link, update the relevant resource-list.md(s) and verify that the link work correctly.
- When adding a folder update the directory tree in every README relevant.
- If you are working on a sizeable project within a group, you may create a project specific resource list with unique links. Any added documents/links that would be useful to the main group should be added to the main resource-list.md of that group.
- Avoid holding duplicate documents or files. Common should store any links/files used by more than one group.
Initiated by Anatoliy Martynyuk and Elham Khoda for use in Scott Hauck's ACME lab.