An interpreter for grammar files as defined by TextMate. TextMate grammars use the oniguruma dialect ( Supports loading grammar files only from JSON format. Cross - grammar injections are currently not supported.
TextMateSharp is a port of microsoft/vscode-textmate that brings TextMate grammars to dotnet ecosystem. The implementation is based the Java port eclipse/tm4e.
TextMateSharp uses a wrapper around Oniguruma regex engine. Read below to learn how to build Oniguruma bindings.
TextMateSharp is used by AvaloniaEdit.
Just execute dotnet build
under the folder TextMateSharp
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
IRegistryOptions options = new LocalRegistryOptions();
Registry.Registry registry = new Registry.Registry(options);
List<string> textLines = new List<string>();
textLines.Add("using static System; /* comment here */");
textLines.Add("namespace Example");
IGrammar grammar = registry.LoadGrammar("source.cs");
StackElement ruleStack = null;
foreach (string line in textLines)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Tokenizing line: {0}", line));
ITokenizeLineResult result = grammar.TokenizeLine(line, ruleStack);
ruleStack = result.RuleStack;
foreach (IToken token in result.GetTokens())
int startIndex = (token.StartIndex > line.Length) ?
line.Length : token.StartIndex;
int endIndex = (token.EndIndex > line.Length) ?
line.Length : token.EndIndex;
" - token from {0} to {1} -->{2}<-- with scopes {3}",
line.SubstringAtIndexes(startIndex, endIndex),
string.Join(",", token.Scopes)));
foreach (string scopeName in token.Scopes)
Theme theme = registry.GetTheme();
List<ThemeTrieElementRule> themeRules =
foreach (ThemeTrieElementRule themeRule in themeRules)
" - Matched theme rule: " +
"[bg: {0}, fg:{1}, fontStyle: {2}]",
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + ex.Message);
class LocalRegistryOptions : IRegistryOptions
public ICollection<string> GetInjections(string scopeName)
return null;
public IRawGrammar GetGrammar(string scopeName)
return null;
public IRawTheme GetTheme(string scopeName)
return null;
public IRawTheme GetDefaultTheme()
string themePath = Path.GetFullPath(
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(themePath))
return ThemeReader.ReadThemeSync(reader);
Tokenizing line: using static System; /* comment here */
- token from 0 to 5 -->using<-- with scopes source.cs,keyword.other.using.cs
- Matched theme rule: [bg: , fg:, fontStyle: -1]
- Matched theme rule: [bg: , fg:#569CD6, fontStyle: -1]
- token from 5 to 6 --> <-- with scopes source.cs
- Matched theme rule: [bg: , fg:, fontStyle: -1]
- token from 6 to 12 -->static<-- with scopes source.cs,keyword.other.static.cs
- Matched theme rule: [bg: , fg:, fontStyle: -1]
- Matched theme rule: [bg: , fg:#569CD6, fontStyle: -1]
- token from 12 to 13 --> <-- with scopes source.cs
- Matched theme rule: [bg: , fg:, fontStyle: -1]
- token from 13 to 19 -->System<-- with scopes source.cs,storage.type.cs
- Matched theme rule: [bg: , fg:, fontStyle: -1]
- Matched theme rule: [bg: , fg:#569CD6, fontStyle: -1]
- token from 19 to 20 -->;<-- with scopes source.cs,punctuation.terminator.statement.cs
- Matched theme rule: [bg: , fg:, fontStyle: -1]
- Matched theme rule: [bg: , fg:, fontStyle: -1]
- token from 20 to 21 --> <-- with scopes source.cs
- Matched theme rule: [bg: , fg:, fontStyle: -1]
- token from 21 to 23 -->/*<-- with scopes source.cs,comment.block.cs,punctuation.definition.comment.cs
- Matched theme rule: [bg: , fg:, fontStyle: -1]
- Matched theme rule: [bg: , fg:#6A9955, fontStyle: -1]
- Matched theme rule: [bg: , fg:, fontStyle: -1]
- token from 23 to 37 --> comment here <-- with scopes source.cs,comment.block.cs
- Matched theme rule: [bg: , fg:, fontStyle: -1]
- Matched theme rule: [bg: , fg:#6A9955, fontStyle: -1]
- token from 37 to 39 -->*/<-- with scopes source.cs,comment.block.cs,punctuation.definition.comment.cs
- Matched theme rule: [bg: , fg:, fontStyle: -1]
- Matched theme rule: [bg: , fg:#6A9955, fontStyle: -1]
- Matched theme rule: [bg: , fg:, fontStyle: -1]
Tokenizing line: namespace Example
- token from 0 to 9 -->namespace<-- with scopes source.cs,keyword.other.namespace.cs
- Matched theme rule: [bg: , fg:, fontStyle: -1]
- Matched theme rule: [bg: , fg:#569CD6, fontStyle: -1]
- token from 9 to 10 --> <-- with scopes source.cs
- Matched theme rule: [bg: , fg:, fontStyle: -1]
- token from 10 to 17 -->Example<-- with scopes source.cs,
- Matched theme rule: [bg: , fg:, fontStyle: -1]
- Matched theme rule: [bg: , fg:, fontStyle: -1]
Tokenizing line: {
- token from 0 to 1 -->{<-- with scopes source.cs,
- Matched theme rule: [bg: , fg:, fontStyle: -1]
- Matched theme rule: [bg: , fg:, fontStyle: -1]
Tokenizing line: }
- token from 0 to 1 -->}<-- with scopes source.cs
- Matched theme rule: [bg: , fg:, fontStyle: -1]
There is a demo project in TextMateSharp.Demo folder.
Build and run:
cd src/TestMateSharp.Demo
dotnet build
dotnet run -- ./testdata/samplefiles/sample.cs
Instructions about how to build Oniguruma bindings can be found in onigwrap/