Helenus is an in-memory distributed key-value store like Cassandra
-> Uses hash partitioning
-> Maintains membership lists through gossiping (allows joins, leaves and failures to be communicated to everyone)
-> Supports 4 database operations - insert, delete, update and lookup, where keys and values are strings
-> Tolerates upto 2 simultaneous failures (re-replicates and can tolerate 2 simultaneous failures again)
-> Supports 3 consistency levels, ONE, QUORUM and ALL
-> Supported by a logging system (which can be queried with the client available at BuildStages/MP1)
Other details:
-> This system was built in stages as part of the Distributed Systems course at UIUC in Fall 2013 (CS 425)
-> The BuildStages folder has the 4 stages we built it in. So it has a lot of testing files and results too.
-> The Helenus folder has the final system with a README explaning how to get the system working.
-> The system was designed and implemented by Gopalakrishna Holla (vgkholla) and Alok Tiagi (aloktiagi).
-> The specification was provided by the instructors of CS 425 led by Dr. Indranil Gupta (http://www.cs.uiuc.edu/~indy/).
Implementation details:
Written in C++, uses pthread, boost and socket libraries