Download the FDA-UE database to test the script and optionnaly the PTDB-TUB database to train the model (see below)
You need Python 3 Install the Python dependencies
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Compile the program
$ Make
Execute the pitch recognition script with choosing an algorithm
Usage: python3 [OPTION]... FILELIST
Simple pitch estimation
-h, --help show this help message and exit
windows length (ms)
frame shift (ms)
-p PADDING, --padding=PADDING
zero padding (ms)
-d DATADIR, --datadir=DATADIR
data folder
-m METHOD, --method=METHOD
pitch detection method: autocorrelation, cepstrum or
mdf (default)
Then you can use the c++ script to compare the results with the reference
./compare_pitch fda_ue.gui
It will generate a file in ./results folder showing
Voiced frames -> unvoiced (1 - recall voiced)
Number of unvoiced frames that have been erroneously classified as voiced.
Unvoiced frames -> voiced: (1 - recall unvoiced)
Number of voiced frames that have been erroneously classified as unvoiced.
Gross voiced errors:
In voiced frames, detected as voiced,
Pitch errors greater than 20%
MSE of fine errors:
In voiced frames, detected as voiced with an error less than 20%,
the average of that error. (Mean Squared Error)
It also provides a summary with the average over all files.
./pitch_compare fda_ue.gui
### Summary
Num. frames: 22140 = 13916 unvoiced + 8224 voiced
Unvoiced frames as voiced: 309/13916 (2.2%)
Voiced frames as unvoiced: 1661/8224 (20%)
Gross voiced errors (+20%): 30/6563 (0.46%)
MSE of fine errors: 2%
You can also execute all the three available algorithm and the comparison with the command
You can clean the computed pitchs for all algorithm located in data/fda_ue with the script clean_results/sh
source clean_results/sh
- The source code of this project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license
- More details about the FDA-UE database can be found in
- More details about the PTDB-TUB database can be found in G. Pirker, M. Wohlmayr, S. Petrik, and F. Pernkopf. "A Pitch Tracking Corpus with Evaluation on Multipitch Tracking Scenario", Interspeech, pp. 1509-1512, 2011.
The PTDB-TUG Database is made available under the Open Database License:
Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License: Please cite the above given reference when using the database.