This program allows to convert some source files from an EBCDIC format to an ASCII one.
The input of this program is a directory containing the source files to be converted and the output is another directory containing all the converted source files. The input directory can contain a tree of sub-directory and this tree is kept in the output directory.
1 - The only pre-requisite is to have a JVM (Java Virtual Machine) 6+.
2 - Download the ebcdic-ascii-converter-X.Y.jar archive
3 - Execute the following command to display the usage information :
java -jar ebcdic-ascii-converter-X.Y.jar -h
4 - Lauch for instance the following command to convert all source files contained in dir1 and to put the converted files in dir2 :
java -jar ebcdic-ascii-converter-X.Y.jar dir1 dir2
Copyright 2008-2016 SonarSource.
Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3.0