This repository contains a Terraform module for creating an EKS cluster and all the necessary infrastructure to install Jenkins X via jx boot
The module generates for this purpose a templated jx-requirements.yml
which can be passed to jx boot
The module makes use of the Terraform EKS cluster Module.
- What is a Terraform Module
- How do you use this Module
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A Terraform Module refers to a self-contained package of Terraform configurations that are managed as a group. For more information around Modules refer to the Terraform documentation.
This Terraform Module allows you to create an EKS cluster for installation of Jenkins X. You will need the following binaries locally installed and configured on your PATH:
(~> 0.12.0)kubectl
A default Jenkins X ready cluster can be provisioned by creating a file in an empty directory with the following content:
module "eks-jx" {
source = "jenkins-x/eks-jx/aws"
You will need to provide a existing IAM user name for Vault. The specified user's access keys are used to authenticate the Vault pod against AWS. The IAM user does not need any permissions attached to it. This Terraform Module creates a new IAM Policy and attaches it to the specified user. For more information refer to Configuring Vault for EKS in the Jenkins X documentation.
The minimal configuration from above can be applied by running:
terraform init
terraform apply
The name of the cluster will be randomized, but you can provide your own name using cluster_name. Refer to the Inputs section for a full list of all configuration variables. The following sections give an overview of the available variables.
The following variables allow you to configure the settings of the generated VPC: vpc_name
, vpc_subnets
and vpc_cidr_blocl
You can configure the EKS worker node pool with the following variables: desired_number_of_nodes
, min_number_of_nodes
, max_number_of_nodes
and worker_nodes_instance_types
You can choose to create S3 buckets for long term storage and enable them in the generated jx-requirements.yml file with enable_logs_storage
, enable_reports_storage
and enable_repository_storage
During terraform apply
the enabledS3 buckets are created, and the generated jx-requirements.yml
will contain the following section:
enabled: ${enable_logs_storage}
url: s3://${logs_storage_bucket}
enabled: ${enable_reports_storage}
url: s3://${reports_storage_bucket}
enabled: ${enable_repository_storage}
url: s3://${repository_storage_bucket}
Vault is used by Jenkins X for managing secrets. Part of this module's responsibilities is the creation of all resources required to run the Vault Operator. These resources are An S3 Bucket, a DynamoDB Table and a KMS Key.
The vault_user
variable is required when running this script. This is the user whose credentials will be used to authenticate the Vault pods against AWS.
You can enable ExternalDNS with the enable_external_dns
variable. This will modify the generated jx-requirements.yml file to enable External DNS when running jx boot
If enable_external_dns
is true, additional configuration will be required.
If you want to use a domain with an already existing Route 53 Hosted Zone, you can provide it through the apex_domain
This domain will be configured in the resulting jx-requirements.yml file in the following section:
domain: ${domain}
ignoreLoadBalancer: true
externalDNS: ${enable_external_dns}
If you want to use a subdomain and have this script create and configure a new Hosted Zone with DNS delegation, you can provide the following variables:
: This subdomain will be added to the apex domain. This will be configured in the resulting jx-requirements.yml file.
: This flag will instruct the script to create a new Route53 Hosted Zone
for your subdomain and configure DNS delegation with the apex domain.
By providing these variables, the script creates a new Route 53
HostedZone that looks like <subdomain>.<apex_domain>
, then it delegates the resolving of DNS to the apex domain.
This is done by creating a NS
RecordSet in the apex domain's Hosted Zone with the subdomain's HostedZone nameservers.
This will make sure that the newly created HostedZone for the subdomain is instantly resolvable instead of having to wait for DNS propagation.
You can enable cert-manager to use TLS for your cluster through LetsEncrypt with the enable_tls
LetsEncrypt has two environments, staging
and production
If you use staging, you will receive self-signed certificates, but you are not rate-limited, if you use the production
environment, you receive certificates signed by LetsEncrypt, but you can be rate limited.
You can choose to use the production
environment with the production_letsencrypt
You need to provide a valid email to register your domain in LetsEncrypt with tls_email
The final output of running this module will not only be the creation of cloud resources but also the creation of a valid jx-requirements.yml file. You can use this file to install Jenkins X by running:
jx boot -r jx-requirements.yml
The template can be found here
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
apex_domain | The main domain to either use directly or to configure a subdomain from | string |
"" |
no |
cluster_name | Variable to provide your desired name for the cluster. The script will create a random name if this is empty | string |
"" |
no |
create_and_configure_subdomain | Flag to create an NS record ser for the subdomain in the apex domain's Hosted Zone | bool |
false |
no |
desired_number_of_nodes | The number of worker nodes to use for the cluster | number |
3 |
no |
enable_external_dns | Flag to enable or disable External DNS in the final jx-requirements.yml file |
bool |
false |
no |
enable_logs_storage | Flag to enable or disable long term storage for logs | bool |
true |
no |
enable_reports_storage | Flag to enable or disable long term storage for reports | bool |
true |
no |
enable_repository_storage | Flag to enable or disable the repository bucket storage | bool |
true |
no |
enable_tls | Flag to enable TLS int he final jx-requirements.yml file |
bool |
false |
no |
manage_aws_auth | Whether to apply the aws-auth configmap file | bool |
true |
no |
max_number_of_nodes | The maximum number of worker nodes to use for the cluster | number |
5 |
no |
min_number_of_nodes | The minimum number of worker nodes to use for the cluster | number |
3 |
no |
production_letsencrypt | Flag to use the production environment of letsencrypt in the jx-requirements.yml file |
bool |
false |
no |
region | The region to create the resources into | string |
"us-east-1" |
no |
subdomain | The subdomain to be used added to the apex domain. If subdomain is set, it will be appended to the apex domain in jx-requirements-eks.yml file |
string |
"" |
no |
tls_email | The email to register the LetsEncrypt certificate with. Added to the jx-requirements.yml file |
string |
"" |
no |
vault_user | The AWS IAM Username whose credentials will be used to authenticate the Vault pods against AWS | string |
n/a | yes |
vpc_cidr_block | The vpc CIDR block | string |
"" |
no |
vpc_name | The name of the VPC to be created for the cluster | string |
"tf-vpc-eks" |
no |
vpc_subnets | The subnet CIDR block to use in the created VPC | list(string) |
[ |
no |
wait_for_cluster_cmd | Custom local-exec command to execute for determining if the eks cluster is healthy. Cluster endpoint will be available as an environment variable called ENDPOINT | string |
"until curl -k -s $ENDPOINT/healthz \u003e/dev/null; do sleep 4; done" |
no |
worker_nodes_instance_types | The instance type to use for the cluster's worker nodes | string |
"m5.large" |
no |
Name | Description |
cert_manager_iam_role | The IAM Role that the Cert Manager pod will assume to authenticate |
cluster_name | The name of the created cluster |
cm_cainjector_iam_role | The IAM Role that the CM CA Injector pod will assume to authenticate |
controllerbuild_iam_role | The IAM Role that the ControllerBuild pod will assume to authenticate |
external_dns_iam_role | The IAM Role that the External DNS pod will assume to authenticate |
jxui_iam_role | The IAM Role that the Jenkins X UI pod will assume to authenticate |
lts_logs_bucket | The bucket where logs from builds will be stored |
lts_reports_bucket | The bucket where test reports will be stored |
lts_repository_bucket | The bucket that will serve as artifacts repository |
tekton_bot_iam_role | The IAM Role that the build pods will assume to authenticate |
vault_dynamodb_table | The bucket that Vault will use as backend |
vault_kms_unseal | The KMS Key that Vault will use for encryption |
vault_unseal_bucket | The bucket that Vault will use for storage |
You can find examples for different configurations in the examples folder.
Each example generates a valid jx-requirements.yml file that can be used to boot a Jenkins X cluster.
This module sets up a series of IAM Policies and Roles. These roles will be annotated into a few Kubernetes Service accounts.
This allows us to make use of IAM Roles for Sercive Accounts to set fine-grained permissions on a pod per pod basis.
There is no way to provide your own roles or define other Service Accounts by variables, but you can always modify the eks/terraform/jx/
Terraform file.
Contributions are very welcome! Check out the Contribution Guidelines for instructions.