New Features, improvements and bug fixes
Database tree improvements, properties panel improvements
BioModel Info Panel looks and feels consistent with the Database Info Panel, redesigned both
Refactoring catalyst behaviour and automatic drawing
Added qualifiers support for annotations, annotations sorted, properties bugs fixing (hasPart)
New default behaviour of reaction (RX connection) tool for multiple compartments
Bug fixes
UI improvements: more helpful hints, warnings and error messages (in object properties and annotations panels)
General bug fixing - null pointer exceptions, eliminated obsolete features (BIOPAX obj for annotations).
Redocking the reaction diagram to last known window manager.
Exporting events fixes (missing attributes), event panel UI
Focus management fixes (lost focus), Assignment Rule fixes (duplicates)
SBML fixes for older model (numeric meta ID), units support (kind) and Copasi compatibility
SED-ML maintenance (Kisao terms added, solver description initialized properly at import)
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