A plugin that enables users to visualize Rerun data files
) inside the FiftyOne App.
pip install fiftyone rerun-sdk
fiftyone plugins download https://github.com/voxel51/fiftyone-rerun-plugin
We have a Python script in the examples folder that:
- Creates RRD files with a timeline containing lidar points of each scene in the NuScenes mini dataset
- Creates a grouped FiftyOne dataset with all camera images, lidar, radar, as well as references to the RRD files from (1)
Before you run the script, make sure you have the NuScenes mini split dataset downloaded and extracted. You can download it from here.
After downloading, extract the dataset to a folder. You'll need the path of the extracted dataset to run the script.
# download the NuScenes mini dataset
wget https://www.nuscenes.org/data/v1.0-mini.tgz
# extract the dataset to a folder named nuscenes-mini
tar -xvf v1.0-mini.tgz
Run the script to prepare the dataset:
# show help
python examples/load-nuscenes.py -h
# create rrd files as well as create a fiftyone dataset with references to the RRD files
python examples/load-nuscenes.py --nuscenes-data-dir /path/to/nuscenes --rrd --fiftyone
Then launch the App:
# start rerun server
rerun --serve
# start fiftyone app
fiftyone app launch