This directory includes code for running MDM with a functional simulator to collect trace.
The directory GPGPUsim-generating-trace is developed from GPGPUsim to collect instruction/memory trace for GPU applications. You need first run the Simulator in the function simulation mode. The trace is like "interval_info_i.txt" and "memory_access_i.txt". I equals to the kernel id.
Then copy the trace to the model directory. The scripts to run the performance model is included in DRAM_run. We implement a script for sweeping different DRAM bandwidth in this directory. In particular, is used to analyze memory trace and generate miss information. is the main MDM model script including interval analysis and MSHR/NOC/DRAM model.
Most important, you need to configure the parameter (#warps/SM, #SMs, NOC/DRAM bandwidth, core_frequency, latency, etc.)in and to run your own hardware platforms. L1_cache and L2_cache are also needed to configure.
You can also use your own cache-simulator to run the memory trace.
The codes may still need more optimization for cleaning and efficiency.
Welcome to join this project! Also welcome to further extend the MDM model!