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This is a newsletter addon for Websauna framework. It is intended for automatic newsletter generation from the site content.

Supported Python versions Latest Version
ci License

  • Automatic newsletter generation from site content
  • Admin interface for newsletter preview and send
  • Import all site users as newsletter subscribers
  • Outbound email through Mailgun
  • Unsubscribe management through Mailgun
  • Redis based newsletter state management (when the last letter went out, etc.)
  • Websauna's Celery based task subsystem is used to run long running operations asynchronously

To run this package you need Python 3.4+, PostgresSQL and Redis.

You need to provide your own site-specific INewsletter implementation that populates the news letter content.

Install this package using pip.

You need to register a site specific newsletter that is responsible for rendering your newsletter HTML payload. Do this in your Initializer.configure_views. Example:

# Configure newsletter renderer
from mysite.views.newsletter import NewsletterRenderer
from websauna.newsletter.interfaces import INewsletterGenerator
registry = self.config.registry
registry.registerAdapter(factory=NewsletterRenderer, required=(IRequest,), provided=INewsletterGenerator)

For more information see

In your renderer HTML code you can use Mailgun unsubscription management:

<p class="details">
  {# For Mailgun #}
  <a href="%mailing_list_unsubscribe_url%">Unsubscribe from TokenMarket newsletter.</a>

Add Mailgun API keys and such in myapp/conf/development-secrets.ini.


# Get from Mailgun
api_key = x

# What is the mailing list we use in the test suite
mailing_list = [email protected]

# Outbound domain used for the newslettering
domain =

# From: email we use to send the newsletter
from = MyApp Newsletter <[email protected]>

Easiest to do this through ws-shell using production configuraition:

ws-shell tokenmarket/conf/production.ini

Then using %cpaste notebook shell command:

from websauna.system.core.utils import get_secrets
from websauna.newsletter.mailgun import Mailgun
secrets = get_secrets(request.registry)
list_address = secrets["mailgun.mailing_list"]
mailgun = Mailgun(request.registry)
mailgun.create_list(list_address, "MyApp newsletter")

You get a reply:

{'list': {'access_level': 'readonly',
  'address': '[email protected]',
  'created_at': 'Wed, 25 Jan 2017 17:08:56 -0000',
  'description': 'TokenMarket newsletter',
  'members_count': 0,
  'name': ''},
 'message': 'Mailing list has been created'}

A boostrap based mini subscription form is provided with the packag. It is ideal e.g. to place in the site footer.

Simply in your template do:

{% include "newsletter/subscription_form.html" %}

For more information run the demo and view demotemplates/site/footer.html.

Visit Newsletter tab in the admin interface to preview and send out newsletters.

You can manually set the newsletter state, when the last newsletter was sent, from shell:

import datetime
from websauna.newsletter.state import NewsletterState

state = NewsletterState(request)
state.set_last_send_timestamp(datetime.datetime(2016, 12, 24).replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc))

State is managed in Redis.

In console:

from websauna.system.core.utils import get_secrets
from websauna.newsletter.mailgun import Mailgun
secrets = get_secrets(request.registry)
list_address = secrets["mailgun.mailing_list"]
mailgun = Mailgun(request.registry)
print(mailgun.list_members(list_address))  # TODO: pagination

Note that importing website users is supported in the admin interface.


subscribers = """
[email protected]
[email protected]

from websauna.system.core.utils import get_secrets
from websauna.newsletter.mailgun import Mailgun
from websauna.newsletter.views import subscribe_email

secrets = get_secrets(request.registry)
list_address = secrets["mailgun.mailing_list"]
mailgun = Mailgun(request.registry)

for s in subscribers.split():
    s = s.strip()
    if s:
        subscribe_email(request, s)

You can development this addon locally.

Activate the virtual environment of your Websauna application.


cd newsletter  # This is the folder with file
pip install -e .
psql create newsletter_dev
ws-sync-db  ws://websauna/newsletter/conf/development.ini
pserve  ws://websauna/newsletter/conf/development.ini --reload

First create test database:

# Create database used for unit testing
psql create newsletter_test

Install test and dev dependencies (run in the folder with

pip install -e ".[dev,test]"

Run test suite using py.test running:


Make sure Celery is not eager in development.ini:

websauna.celery_config =
        "broker_url":  "redis://localhost:6379/15",
        "task_always_eager": False,

Start demo (Terminal 1):

pserve ws://websauna/newsletter/conf/development.ini

Start Celery (Terminal 2):

ws-celery  ws://websauna/newsletter/conf/development.ini -- worker
  • Double confirmation to the mailing list subscription

Please see


Automatically generated newsletter sent with Mailgun






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