Current version of a script will turns on karma smb for all smb traffic. So when you MiTM your victim and his DC (domain controller), all SMB functionality excep those that need for a Group Policy hijacking will be lost!
Version 1.0
This script allows you to exploit Group Policy Hijacking attack to get an RCE.
What it does:
Setup mode
- Download and setup Impacket (which consists karmaSMB)
- Create necessary files: config and different files to be returned by karma SMB
- Create malicious payload via msfvenom or choose your own script
- Copy paylod to relevant folder
Run mode
- Check and if necessary creates iptables rules for supplied IP addresses
- Check and if necessary run
- Increment version
- Run karmaSMB with created config (created in setup mode)
- Write logs of karmaSMB activity
Config mode
- Change a way of the shell delivering
- Change type of the shell: custom or msf
Read mode
- Read config created in setup mode