Delete and yank register menus for neovim.
Note: This is in active development and subject to change.
-- lazy
-- Default settings
opts = {
-- Show line number like a normal window in the menu
show_line_numbers = false,
-- Show the register names in the menu
show_register_names = true,
Only load plugin when keymap is pressed
-- lazy
keys = {
{ "<leader>p", ":DupeShowAll<CR>", mode = {"n", "v"}, desc = "Dupe Show Menu" },
-- Show all registers and their contents
-- On selection, paste the contents
You can open the menu and select a register to paste from in normal mode and it will paste like using the "p"
It also works with visual selection modes and will paste over whatever is visually selected
Note: visual mode paste acts as black hole delete, it will not save the text that is deleted in a register
- 1. Allow for range pasting(delete range and then paste from selected register)
- 2. Expose command or autocommand to allow user to select register to yank too(delete? change?)
- 3. Expose option to auto back up of all deletes/yanks to a-z registers
- line deletes are auto saved in 1-9 registers
- line yanks, small yanks and small deletes are only stored in the unnamed/0 buffer by default
- small = word sized yanks/deletes(yw, yiw, etc)