A general JSON RPC implementation for PHP.
- Support for different transports (currently a cURL implementation exists).
- Different JSON RPC Codecs (currently JSON RPC Version 1.0 as defined by http://json-rpc.org/wiki/specification is implemented; JSON RPC 2.0 http://www.jsonrpc.org/specification will be supported soon).
- Clean API.
- Implementation of JSON RPC 2.0 Codec.
- Finished basic implementations.
You can use Composer (http://www.getcomposer.org) to install the JSON RPC library.
"require": {
"fritz-payment/jsonrpc": "dev-master"
This example calls a JSON RPC 1.0 method "test.echo" on the URL http://www.example.com using cURL.
use \FritzPayment\JsonRpc\Rpc\Codec\JsonRpc10;
use \FritzPayment\JsonRpc\Client\Transport\Curl;
// initialize JSON RPC 1.0 Codec
$codec = new JsonRpc10();
// initialize cURL transport
$transport = new Curl();
// initialize client
$client = new \FritzPayment\JsonRpc\Client('http://www.example.com', $codec, $transport);
// create a new request
/* @var $request \FritzPayment\JsonRpc\Rpc\Codec\JsonRpc10\Request */
$request = $client->newRequest();
$request->setParams(array('test message'));
// send request
$response = $client->exec($request);
if ($response === false) {
// failed
} else {
if ($response->isError()) {
// JSON RPC error
echo $response->getError()->error();
} else {
It is possible to create your own implementations of Transports and Codecs.
The abstract Transport and Codec classes and the existing implementations should give you an idea of how to do that.