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Installation Guide
This web service runs on Django 1.8.5. I recommend use virtualenv to create a virtual environment that you can install certain packages as needed
$ virtualenv env
then run env/bin/python to check if you are running python 2.7. Otherwise you will have to run
$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 venv
To set default Python version for this environment
Set up Django and pytz
$ pip install django $ pip install pytz
To set up DB schemas. Under the root directory (where is located) $ python makemigrations $ python migrate
Then run the server $ python runserver
and go to http://localhost:8000 to see the website
go to http://localhost:8000/funnels.json/2015-10-05/2015-10-25 to see the funnels query results.
I spent time mostly on the front-end, forms, and the looks. So I donly tested the funnels features on a small number of users.
Most of the logic is in core/
Let me know if you have any problems running it.