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Game Maker

A game-editor in browser powered by Vue.js & Babylon.js

Try it out!

Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:9080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build

# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report

For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the guide and docs for vue-loader.


Game Maker is a designed to be a lightweight, single-scene html5 game editor runs in your browser, the idea of its functionality came from the well-known Unity3D game engine, so they have many features in common, like script system or animation editor, but come with a much simpler form in Game Maker.

Desktop/Window Manager

To manage the display of multiple components in your screen.


Component to render the 3D scene. A default universal Camera is used for user to explore the scene and a edit tool is used to edit GameObjects' transform.


Component to view/edit gameObjects' properties (actually scripts' public variables).

Script System

The Script System transform JavaScript files to dynamic user interface, to visually edit scripts' internal variables.

You can define some public variables which will be exposed to the outer scope, the editor will transform the public variables into visual user interfaces according their type, so that you can edit them visually in Inspector.

Visualizable component types
Variable type Visualized component
NUMBER number text field
STRING string text field
BOOLEAN switch
GAMEOBJECT gameObject drop area
FILE file drop area
ENUM multi select picker
GROUP components group
ARRAY dynamic components array

You can also define some handler functions to react to the games' events.

Events supported by Script System
Event functions Triggers
init game initialization
update before each frame rendering
lateUpdate after each frame rendering
onFocus when user select a gameObject
onBlur when user deselect a gameObject
pointerdown when user clicks the mouse
keydown when user presses down a key
keyup when user presses up a key
Default scripts
Type Scripts
Basic animation.js, physics.js, transform.js​
Cameras arcRotateCamera.js, followCamera.js, universalCamera.js
Geometries boxGeometry.js, groundGeometry.js, geometry.js, planeGeometry.js, sphereGeometry.js
Lights directionalLight.js, hemisphericLight.js, pointLight.js, shadowGenerator.js, spotlight.js
Materials backgroundMaterial.js, standardMaterial.js, pbrMaterial.js


Component to manage all the GameObjects in the scene, where you edit the basic properties of GameObjects such as name and parent-child relation.


The editor also has some shortcuts to make your life easier.

Shortcut Function
Ctrl+Alt+F Focus your chosen GameObject
Ctrl+Alt+D Duplicate your chosen GameObject
Ctrl+Z Undo
Ctrl+Shift+Z Redo


Component to manage all the resources of the project.

Two special file type

  • Template(.temp): the template of scripts
  • Prefab(.pref): the template of GameObjects

Code Editor

Component to edit JavaScript or other text files in the editor. Vim mode on by default.

Animation Editor

Component to make the scene animated. Animations are stored in a separate file so that they can be reused by different GameObjects.



Space Shooter


A game-editor in browser powered by Vue.js & Babylon.js






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  • JavaScript 89.1%
  • CSS 8.6%
  • Vue 1.2%
  • HTML 1.1%