Enhancement: Save dynamic CSS/JS as static file when the only query string is the WP version
Enhancement: Require composer autoload only if it exists to improve compatibility with site wide composer installation
Enhancement: Exclude PDF from gzip
Enhancement: Apply lazyload on WPTouch version of the website
Bugfix: Prevent wrong URLs in some cases for CSS @import or url() after minification or remove query strings
Bugfix: Minification and remove query strings are correctly applied on languages other than the default one when using a multilingual plugin
Bugfix: Improve home path detection function to prevent some cases where the value was incorrect and prevented minification/remove query strings
Bugfix: Prevent the homepage from being excluded from cache when WPS Hide Login URL is empty
Bugfix: Clear cache when a post is updated via XML-RPC
Bugfix: Correctly add the htaccess rewrite rules when disabling mobile cache option without disabling specific cache for mobile option first
Bugfix: Correctly load critical CSS on taxonomy archive pages
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