You need to mixit it up with one of your components and you will be able to use API to listen routes and and move location to needed path.
####Component with router
define(['path/to/flight-component','path/to/flight-router'], function(defineComponent, router) {
return defineComponent(newComponent, router);
function newComponent() {
this.index = function() {
this.basicHelp = function() {
this.helpWithParams = function(arg) {
this.after('initialize', function() {
'/' : 'index', //Simple root listener
'/help' : 'basicHelp', // Simple URL listener
'/help/:article/:page' : 'helpWithParams', // Parametrized URL listener
'/:pageType/:article/:page' : 'helpWithParams', // Will match any url like "/asd/wtf/123"
'/help?:param=:value&:param2=:value2' : 'helpWithParams' // Will match get params
var counter = 0;
var index = [
this.on('click', function() {
if (counter > index.length) {
counter = 0;
require(['path/to/flight-component-with-router'], function(component) {
document.body.innerHTML = 'Click on body to change url and trigger handler \n \
Try to press BACK and FORWARD button and your listeners will fire';
Route is URL like string, where :variable_like_this will be variable. Callback must be a string or function. If string provided callback would be taken from 'this' by this string. Every callback will be fired with 'this' component context.
RoutesHash is hash with route / callback key-value pairs. Like: this.defineRoute({'/', 'callback'});
URL is url like string. Must start from '/'. Args is optional object with following params:
replaceState: Boolean
If passed state would not be pushed, but replaced, to save history clean.
data: Object
Data that would be passed to handlers AND state.
forced: Boolean
Param that tells fire new state any way even if URL is same.
####Use it