Backupscript is a script made by Robin Kelchtermans and Wouter Roozeleer for the course System Engineering 3.
Use the -h
or --help
flag to get the help function
Make a config file in which you place the directories you want to back up. Once you run the script, it will ask you to show it where your config file is.
Use the -z
or --zip
flag to get a zipped version of your backup.
Use tar -tvf
to see what is in the .tar file, if it's zipped unzip
it first.
Use tar -xvf
to Extract the .tar file. Again, if it's zipped unzip
it first.
This script will make an empty .tar file. You'll have to make a config file in which you'll place the directories you want to backup.
It uses the date
command to make sure you'll never overwrite your previous backups and it's easier to sort.