Packages: deampy (1.2.0)
, apacepy (1.0.15)
, pydotplus (2.0.2)
, and imblearn (0.0)
- Calibrate the simulation model by running the script This script will identify a set of simulated trajectories that can be used to develop and validate the decision rules.
- Build all datasets for developing and validating the decision rules by running This scrip uses the simulated trajectories identified by the calibration procedure to create the dataset needed to develop and validate the decision rules.
- Build and validate decision trees by running
- The decision rules will be stored under outputs/figures/trees_4_weeks and outputs/figures/trees_8_weeks.
- The performance of decision rules under different scenarios will be stored under outputs/prediction_summary_4_weeks/dec_tree/summary.csv and outputs/prediction_summary_8_weeks/dec_tree/summary.csv.
- If you would like to create a pruner decision trees, use with a higher value of CCP_ALPHA.
- Run to generate simulated trajectories, which will be stored in outputs/trajectories. Figure visualizing these trajectories will be stored under outputs/figures.