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Releases: yanecc/vfox-crystal

vfox-crystal 0.5.3

02 Jul 18:07
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Full Changelog: 0.5.2...0.5.3

  1. Use --no-cache flag to delete the cache file dae8404
  2. Exit gracefully if there exists no error 5fd0aae

vfox-crystal 0.5.2

24 May 19:45
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Full Changelog: 0.5.1...0.5.2

  1. Fix missing parameter noCache

vfox-crystal 0.5.1

13 May 07:50
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Full Changelog: 0.5.0...0.5.1

  1. Support searching without cache using --no-cache flag

vfox-crystal 0.5.0

11 May 13:09
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Full Changelog: 0.4.2...0.5.0

  1. Support installing nightly builds for Windows
  2. Use compareVersion instead of isNewerThan

vfox-crystal 0.4.2

03 May 16:08
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Full Changelog: 0.4.1...0.4.2

  1. Add inspections for runtime architecture
  2. Allow a missing left slash at the end of GITHUB_URL
  3. Support getting the latest version via GitHub API

vfox-crystal 0.4.1

25 Apr 04:55
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Full Changelog: 0.4.0...0.4.1

  1. Allow to install the latest stable version using latest tag
  2. Support fetching available versions from releases

vfox-crystal 0.4.0

21 Apr 13:33
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Full Changelog: 0.3.2...0.4.0

  1. Allow to set GitHub Token via the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable
  2. Allow to set the proxy for GitHub via the GITHUB_URL environment variable
  3. Optimize the prompt guiding to the plugin path
  4. Add latest label for the latest stable version
  5. Exclude Crystal v1.5.1 for Windows
  6. Make the plugin name adaptive
  7. Enhance github token format validation
  8. Optimize the code structure

vfox-crystal 0.3.2

19 Apr 13:12
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Full Changelog: 0.3.1...0.3.2

  1. Add /embeded/bin directory to the Path for Darwin

vfox-crystal 0.3.1

18 Apr 19:32
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Full Changelog: 0.3.0...0.3.1

  1. Fix errors in the installation of nightly builds on Windows
  2. Organize the project's code structure

vfox-crystal 0.3.0

18 Apr 12:44
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  1. Add support for nightly build versions (named by the current date)
  2. Extend installation support to older versions up to 0.24.2
  3. Resolve the issue of displaying versions that can't be installed on Windows
  4. Enhance the method for setting up Github Tokens
  5. Organize the project's code structure
  6. Standardize error styles