Jenkins Exporter for Prometheus written in Python3.
Collects and exposes last build metrics (result, duration, timestamp) for every Repository & Branch from the provided Jenkins URL.
usage: [-h] [-p {1..65535}] [-v] [-u USERNAME] [-k PASSWORD] JENKINS_URL
Jenkins Exporter for Prometheus
positional arguments:
JENKINS_URL Jenkins Server URL (e.g. http://jenkins:8080 or http://jenkins:8080/view/MYPRODUCT)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p {1..65535}, --port {1..65535}
Jenkins Exporter listening port (Default is 9789)
-v, --verbose Increase output verbosity (DEBUG)
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
Jenkins Server username
-k PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
Jenkins Server password
Metric | Description | Value |
jenkins_job_build_timestamp |
The time which the build was completed | epoch ms (milliseconds passed since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970) |
jenkins_job_build_duration |
The time it took the build to complete | ms (millieconds) |
jenkins_job_build_result |
Build result |
# HELP jenkins_job_build_timestamp Jenkins build completion time in epoch milliseconds
# TYPE jenkins_job_build_timestamp gauge
jenkins_job_build_timestamp{branch="dev",build="1",repo="my_repo"} 1.611744014484e+012
# HELP jenkins_job_build_duration Jenkins build duration in milliseconds
# TYPE jenkins_job_build_duration gauge
jenkins_job_build_duration{branch="dev",build="1",repo="my_repo"} 507379.0
# HELP jenkins_job_build_result Jenkins build result (1=Succces/Stable, 0.7=Unstable, 0.5=Aborted, 0=Failure)
# TYPE jenkins_job_build_result gauge
jenkins_job_build_result{branch="dev",build="1",repo="my_repo"} 1.0
docker run -d --name jenkins_exporter -p 9789:9789 yarozen/jenkins_exporter -p 9789 http://jenkins:8081/view/MYPRODUCT
The jenkins_exporter_k8s_manifest.yaml
will deploy everything needed to collect and display your Jenkins metrics:
- Jenkins Exporter
- Deployment
- Service
- Prometheus
- Deployment
- Service
- ConfigMap - containing prometheus.yaml to scrape from the Jenkins Exporter Service
- Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) - for persistenting the data collected by Prometheus (alternatively, you can omit this section and use emptyDir in the Prometheus Deployment)
- Grafana
- Deployment
- Service
- ConfigMap Data Sources - to connect to Prometheus Service as Data Source
- ConfigMap Dashboards - to point grafana to the path were the Jenknis Jobs dashboard resides
- ConfigMap Jenkins Job Dashboard - the actual Jenkins Jobs Dashboard
Replace the args section in the Jenkins Exporter Deployment with your Jenkins URL (e.g. args: ["http://jenkins:8081/view/MYPRODUCT/"]
) and run the following:
kubectl apply -f jenkins_exporter_k8s_manifest.yaml [--namespace jenkins_exporter]