A command line tool for generating typescript definitions for Signalr
This tool is based off this gist: https://gist.github.com/robfe/4583549. It works using the same C# logic, but skips the need for a T4 template which can be fiddly to get working on build servers.
install-package SignalrTypescriptGenerator
.\SignalrTypescriptGenerator.exe -a "c:\etc\path-to-myassembly.dll"
This will print the Typescript to the console window. You can write to a file, which automatically checks if the file has changed:
.\SignalrTypescriptGenerator.exe -a "c:\etc\path-to-myassembly.dll" -o "C:\temp\.myfile.d.ts"
If you don't specify an output file, the typescript output is written to the console window. A post-build command line in Visual Studio might look like this:
$(SolutionDir)\packages\SignalrTypescriptGenerator.1.0.11\tools\SignalrTypescriptGenerator.exe -a "$(TargetPath)" -o "$(SolutionDir)src\MyProject.Web\Scripts\typings\Hubs.d.ts"