Training material — slides, exercises, cheatsheets
The same material should work for both. The only change between the
different course types are in the practicalities, in file
. Just swap that file to fit the type of the course
at hand, putting the other type's template into attic
Please, see instructions for contributing before making this course even greater.
Using static site generator Jekyll and github automation, too easy :)
Jekyll does not like symbolic links, I guess. In the case of any random looking errors, check for symbolic links and simply remove them with
find _includes/slide-template -type l -delete_ a problem (bug?), probably due to the automatic generation of the lecture list...
If you do, the page is not written. No errors, no nothing. Just don't put 'date:' into the front matter. Crazy bug.
The layout <_layouts/slides-csc.html> adds minimal CSS <css/majestic-csc.css> and Javascript <js/majestic.js> sugar on top of the Jekyll generated HTML to make it into a very basic slideshow.
- use arrow keys or click left/righ side to change slides.
- print slides in PDF format from browser (Chrome)
- onload, split content into slides (DIVs) before H1, H2, and H3 headings
- set the display style of the current slide to 'block', and 'none' for other slides
- detect events
- window resize
- content scaling
- key press & mouse clicks
- slide changes (arrow keys)
- window resize
- that's all!
GitHub Pages uses Jekyll site generator. It can be run locally to preview site before pushing to GitHub.
Follow the instructions from
After having fresh ruby and bundler installed (in Linux just sudo apt install bundler
), it's basically
sudo apt-get install bundler
sudo apt-get install build-essential patch ruby-dev zlib1g-dev liblzma-dev
sudo gem install nokogiri
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve &
and open http://localhost:4000
or if running the whole thing in a virtual machine in cpouta, open the firewall for 4040, and start the server with
bundle exec jekyll serve --host --port 4040
and open http://<ip-for-cpouta-vm>:4040
in your browser.