February 2021 Release. - Drupal 9 core. Activity Finder v4.
Welcome to the February 2021 Open Y Core Release. The two primary components of the release are the Drupal 9 core & Activity Finder v4.
Known issues, fixed after this release, not included in this release
#2401 Fix needed dependency missed for PEF GXP integration
#2404 Return default Focal Point behavior if no paragraph type or field in query params.
#2405 [MAINTAIN-48] fixed Register button in the AF4's bookmarks screen
#2407 [MAINTAIN-47] fixed a details popup for result item of AF4 for mobile screens
#2408 [PRODDEV-184] fixed size of buttons on the start screen of AF4 for the mobile screen for the Carnation theme
If you need fixes from the above list - wait for the next point release or pull a fix as a patch to the current release of Open Y
Why are we upgrading from Drupal 8 to Drupal 9?
The time has finally come to upgrade the Open Y Core from Drupal 8 to Drupal 9. You may be asking why we are moving forward with this upgrade and what does it bring you? The highlights are: cleaner code base, deals with technical debt, more usable, accessible, inclusive, flexible, and scalable than the previous version, and brings more stability to your site.
A couple of good outlines to review what all Drupal 9 brings:
Drupal 9 fixes and code updates
90+ updates, bug fixes, etc. for Drupal 9 upgrade launch (July - December 2020). Released November & December 2020: https://github.com/ymcatwincities/openy/milestone/21?closed=1
Drupal Core release - February 2021
#2399 simple_sitemap fix
Drupal 9 testing plan documents
Drupal 9 Open Y smoke tests - this document should be used for upgrading current sites. Purpose of this document - to help testing major Open Y/Virtual Y features in time-saving manner.
Activity Finder v4
3.x version release https://github.com/ymcatwincities/openy_activity_finder/releases/tag/3.1.1
4.x version release ( default ) https://github.com/ymcatwincities/openy_activity_finder/releases/tag/4.0.0
Virtual Y
For the ability to use sync option from UI in Migrate tools 5.0 we need to apply a custom patch, see https://github.com/ymcatwincities/openy_gated_content/tree/master/modules/openy_gc_auth/modules/openy_gc_auth_custom#migrate-tools-50-and-sync-option-from-ui
Drush 10 support
Only Drush command we have in openy_pef_gxp_sync and it was decoupled and added support for Drush 10
Drush 10 support documentation: https://github.com/ymcatwincities/ymca_sync/blob/drush10/README.md
Documentation updates
Drupal 9 core versions flexibility - https://github.com/ymcatwincities/openy/wiki/Drupal-9-core-dependencies-version-flexibility
Open Y versioning best practices for dependencies and upgrade path - https://github.com/ymcatwincities/openy/wiki/Composer-version-constraints-for-Open-Y
How to add Activity Finder v3 or v4 to your site - https://github.com/ymcatwincities/openy_activity_finder/wiki/How-to-add-v3-or-v4-Activity-Finder-application-to-your-site-content
GroupEx PRO to PEF Syncer Drush 10 support - https://github.com/ymcatwincities/ymca_sync/blob/drush10/README.md
GroupEX Pro quick start - https://github.com/ymcatwincities/openy/wiki/GroupEx-PRO-quick-start
How to install and configure Solr search in Open Y - https://github.com/ymcatwincities/openy/wiki/Install-Solr-site-search-for-Open-Y
Change Cachet fonts installation instructions from Y-USA - #2342
Video tutorial for cachet fonts - https://youtu.be/Kl1lwYSg3ww
Developer Experience
Add trait for Activity Finder v4 - #2328
Deprecated code
Modules that will be removed in the next release. In the current Open Y version, these modules uninstalled but kept in code for upgrade path support.
Open Y Autocomplete Path. Old enhancement for autocomplete which improves UX when thousands of similarly named articles exist on a site. Module decoupled to Drupal.org - #2349 https://www.drupal.org/project/openy_autocomplete_path but due to lack of demand and support from the Open Y community, there is no Drupal 9 release.
#2359 - Media Entity Document/Media Entity Image, Media Entity Video. We migrated to Drupal core media subsystem #2189
Known Issues for Activity Finder v4
Layout issue with a registered button when using Verdana font
Keyword Search updates to be more inclusive of search criteria
Filter function on the results page
Zero results functionality for filter results
Waitlist functionality needs to be backported
Activities Filter Clear All Options if a user uses the back arrow
Day&Time button is broken on the activity finder page with filters on Ipad Air, iPhone X on Lily, and Rose sandbox.
Bookmark in Carnation - iPad portrait view does not work
Inconsistent Register & Trash Icon for Carnation Theme in Activity Finder
Known Issues for Drupal 9
Embedded YouTube video uses HTML to format content
Updated documentation for smoke tests
Solr name update for clarity
Documentation for how to configure Search with Solr is needed
Enabling/disabling search on Carnation
GroupEx Pro -> PEF: GroupEx pro integration requires module "Open Y Mappings Feature"
Grid content visual issues