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My quest to make integration-system-functional test with React easy


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My quest to make integration-system-functional test with React easy. Hopefully it'll make sense for someone !

React router v4 : test-them-all v3 and up for

React router v3 : test-them-all v2

React router v2 : test-them-all v2

Table of Contents generated with DocToc

Why ?

  • Simplify and uniformize tests
  • Remove boiler plate
  • Improve the feedback loop through logging:
    • Sync errors
    • Errors in asyncAction's
    • Errors in React component lifecycle methods
    • state and props of the relevant component (in debug mode of asyncAction's)

How to install ?

npm install -D test-them-all

Needless to say that you need to have react installed. You also need:

  • reat-dom
  • react-addons-test-utils
  • react-router (Optional: only if you want to use waitRoute)

You will need 3 other things to setup:

  • A polyfill
  • Import test-them-all before anything else
  • Set a global afterEach to reset the DOM state


As any user of many ES6+ goodies, a polyfill is needed. I suggest babel-polyfill :)

npm install -D babel-polyfill

I recommend to include the polyfill in the test command. If you code in ES5 and don't use any transpiler, I would use something like:

mocha test/end_to_end/ -r babel-polyfill -r test-them-all --recursive

Why to require it in the mocha call ?

To use unexpected-react a special setup with a specific order of require/import is required. This is done for you but you need to make sure that react is not imported before test-them-all.

I just find it way less trouble to import it in the test call.

Resetting the fake DOM state

You just need to have a global afterEach hook. To achieve that, you can simply create a file like any other of your test file and add this in it. The file has to be in your test folder and fit the regex you might use to filter the test files so that it will be considered by mocha.

/* global afterEach */

import {
} from 'test-them-all'


How to use this thing ?

asyncIt('displays the current count', async () => {
  const renderedComponent = mountApp(Test)

  await new AsyncAction()
    .waitState((state) => state.count === 1)

  expect(renderedComponent, 'to contain', <p>1</p>)

If you don't need to test the component in between two change, you can use the action without a trigger. I personally prefer always using the trigger to have the action in one statement/block except when the trigger is the initial render (for async fetch in componentWillMount for instance).

asyncIt('displays succeeded when the asyncAction is successful', async () => {
  const renderedComponent = mountApp(Test)
  await new AsyncAction()
    .waitState((state) => === 'some fetched name')

  expect(renderedComponent, 'to contain', <h1>some fetched name</h1>)

Used to test this component:

/* Nothing special with the component... just here as context for the test... */
class Test extends React.Component {
  constructor () {
   this.state = {
     actionCount: 0,
     name: 'foo'
   this.increase = this.increase.bind(this)
  async componentWillMount () { = await fetchName() // will return 'some fetched name'

  async asyncIncrease () {
    const count = this.state.count + 1
     try {
       await asyncDarkMagic()
     } catch (err) {
       // do something else

  render () {
    return (



Object with 2 methods. Start and stop. I like it easy, what d'you think !? :)


Starts the action logging globally (until actionLogger.stop() is called). Useful mostly for mocha's hooks such as before,beforeEach, after and so on.


Well, I'm sure you get it ;)

asyncIt (description, test, config)

The only thing that it does is making sure that the fake DOM is cleaned after the test, whether it succeeded or failed.

Oh ! It also sets the action logging for the test scope when config === 'debug'.

Use it exactly like the it in mocha. asyncIt.only and asyncIt.skip work the same as well.

***Attention ! Unlike mocha, there's no done parameter. You have to whether make sure your test is over when it returns or returns a promise.

mountApp (RootComponent, props)


The class or function, not the JSX as with it would be with renderIntoDocument. It just wraps the lifecycle method of the component and keeps a reference of the the app for the DOM cleaning and to get a hand on the Router. That simple !

export const mountApp = (RootComponent, props) => {
  wrapLifecycleMethodsWithTryCatch(RootComponent) // from react-component-errors
  renderedApp = renderIntoDocument(<RootComponent {...props} />)
  return renderedApp

AsyncAction class

Some sort of builder simplifying async action in our test.

constructor new AsyncAction(actionDescription)

actionDescription is gonna be shown when logging the actions for debugging.

listenOn (renderedComponent)

Tell the action which renderedComponent to listen to the updates. This will be ignore if when using waitRoute.

Return this.

trigger (actionFunction)

Should trigger a reaction that'll make the app/component get to th wanted state eventually. Otherwise, the test will hang within this AsyncAction.

Return this.

waitProps (testFunction)
testFunction (props)

The AsyncAction is checking after every render of the component provided with listenOn if testFunction returns true to resolve.

The props of the component provided with listenOn is passed to testFunction as parameter.

waitState (testFunction)
testFunction (state)

The AsyncAction is checking after every render of the component provided with listenOn if testFunction returns true to resolve.

The state of the component provided with listenOn is passed to testFunction as parameter.

waitRoute (targetRoutePathOrTestFunction)
testFunction (route)

####### route being a string represention location.pathname

To simplify useless overwork, a special method has been added to wait for a route transition when using react-router.

debug (debugFunction)

console.log the state and the props of the component that is listened to after every render of the given component in listenOn.

In the case of waitRoute, only the pathname of the current location is logged.

If you want to use a custom function, you can always do it via debugFunction(component). You can access the props with component.props and the state with component.state.

Return this.


It is almost the same expect of unexpected-react but it allows batch testing. Just pass an array as the last parameter like so:

expect(renderedComponent, 'to contain', [

Moreover, the setup is already made for you. See unexpected-react for more details.


The test pass when it should not ?

Make sure your test is over when it returns or otherwise you have to return a promise. does not do anything

If you Simulate Clicks on a Link, you have to pass at least the event: { button: 0 } like so:, { button: 0 })

Feedbacks... Contributions...

Highly appreciated ! I'm unfortunately not perfect yet.

For pull requests, Just make sure to add tests with your work. Oh, oh ! Why not npm run lint as well :)


My quest to make integration-system-functional test with React easy







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