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local dependent packages

wei get from github and cmake or xmake ,and installed. xmake install --admin at /usr/local/

  • cpplinuxserial
  • gnuplot ,apt install .

xmake package

  • matplotplusplus like matplotlib of python,data analyzer .
  • rapidcsv read datas from csv file,and plot them out.


coost example

udp ,tcp,flag_cli

other examples

lock-free concurrentqueue, cppzmq, matplot,csv 🐞

ffmpeg example

forked from


run zlmediakit:

sudo ./zlmediakit

check your v4l2 carmera dev/video?

video_fname = std::string("0");
function lib alternate note
frame coost boost, asio, libhv lightweight frame work
argparse co/flag argparse, cli++ cmd line param parser
log quill co/log fmtlog loguru lightweight log
csv rapidcsv csv2 csv parser
structor data file npy csv share numpy files
queue concurrentqueue atomic_queue lock-free concurrent queue
serial port cpplinuxserial asio,cserialport,libserial ws
tcp/http coost tcp http with coroutine
websocket drogon/libhv(cross) (uwebsocket not in xmake) websocket
zero mq cppzmq message queue between other language
2D/3D plot matplotplusplus cvplot plot 2D/3D static ,depend on gnuplot
2D/3D implot/implot3d implot/implot3d cvplot plot 2D/3D,dynamic depend imgui
json nlohmann_json simdjson simdjson just parser,do not have serializer,waiting for sonic-cpp having cross fun
base64 simdutf cppcodec simd depend
format fmt cout print vector directly,with LOG_S(INFO)<< fmt::format("vector data:{}",data),#include "fmt/core.h",#include "fmt/ranges.h"
stream ffmpeg video streamer
database orm sqlite_orm database orm
