Learning go programming by completing default programs present in go documentation and reading Learning Go book.
This contains two modules - hello and greetings. Hello imports greetings module to return random greetings according to input. More info - https://golang.org/doc/tutorial/greetings-multiple-people
Effective Go - https://go.dev/doc/effective_go
Code review comments - https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/CodeReviewComments
Linting - golangci-lint - https://golangci-lint.run/usage/quick-start/
- Can be declared using
var x int = 10
var x, y = 10, "hello"
can be used only in a function. We can assign a new value to a variable by using:=
untill there is a new variable on the left hand side.
x := 10
x, y := 30, 20
- By default zero value is assinged to the variable. Also prefer using var form when assigning a type of variable
var x int
x := byte(20) // This is valid but to idiomatic.
var x byte = 20 // This is idiomatic
- Rarely declare variables outside of functions (i.e. in package block). It makes data flow analysis complicated.
- It is allowed to create unread package level variables.
- There can be unread const as they are only used during compile time and wont be included in binary.
- camel case is preferred while naming variables. Also keep the name short for variables declared inside a function. One letter can be used as well like - f for float, i for int, b for boolean.