A utility that pings a range of nordVPN servers and return the servers with the fastest response
python nordPing.py [-h] [-c PING_COUNT] [-n TOP_N] [-C COUNTRY_CODE] [-L LOWER_RANGE] [-U UPPER_RANGE] [-p PROCESSES] [--version]
This script will ping the NordVPN servers and return the ones with the fastest response times
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c PING_COUNT, --ping_count PING_COUNT
Number of pings to send to each server (Default: 1)
-n TOP_N, --top_n TOP_N
Number of fastest responses to return (Default: 3)
Country code for the servers to ping (Default: us)
Lower range of the servers to ping (Default: 5500)
Upper range of the servers to ping (Default: 5502)
Number of processes to use (Default: 5)
--version show program's version number and exit
python nordPing.py -c 3 -n 5 -C us -L 9372 -U 9390 -p 8
Ping count: 3
Country code: us
Lower range: 9372
Upper range: 9390
Parallel Processes: 8
The 5 fastest responses are:
- us9373.nordvpn.com: 17.9 ms
- us9382.nordvpn.com: 18.0 ms
- us9378.nordvpn.com: 18.3 ms
- us9385.nordvpn.com: 19.3 ms
- us9379.nordvpn.com: 19.5 ms
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