** FAIR WARNING: ** This is an early stage pre-release to track progress. Expect things to be broken and/or missing. This is meant for development, not (yet) production.
This library uses the Dribbble API to load shots and player info. It supports filtering by shot ID, predefined filter (e.g. popular), or player name.
Move "Dribbble_API.php" to your libraries/ directory.
The library is named to prevent conflicts with controllers. To keep things simple, you should designate a shorter name for the library on load. The line below will load to $dribbble
$this->load->library('dribbble_api', $config, 'dribbble');
Zach Dunn (zach@onemightyroar / www.onemightyroar.com)
This library is heavily based on the existing API wrapper for PHP () started by Martin Bean. (https://github.com/martinbean/dribbble-php)