HotArea is a jQuery plugin that gives you the ability to Select multiple areas from an image(any $container in fact) and set links for them. If not works well, try the update to date Chrome.
view demo:
var options = { // all the option fields are optional(including options itself)
initAreas: [ // the initial areas when the plugin load(optional)
"x": 280,
"y": 93,
"width": 50,
"height": 50,
area: {strokeStyle: 'red', lineWidth: 2}, // style to draw selected areas
point: {size: 3, fillStyle: 'black'}, // style to draw point
var selectAreas = $container.hotArea('get');
// [{"x":280,"y":93,"width":50,"height":50,"url":""}]
var htmlTag = $container.hotArea('toTag');
// render edit box to view
1.mousedown to kick off, mouseup to stop an edit box to add an link
3.mouseover to view the link you added
4.double click to delete an edit box