OptionEx is a module for handling functions returning a t:OptionEx.t/0
This module is inspired by the f# Option module, and Railway Oriented Programming as explained by Scott Wlaschin. This module is intended to make working with nil
values more safe and convenient. For splitting tracks based on ok or error return values see ResultEx.
The Option type consists of either a {:some, term} where the term represents a value, or the :none atom representing the lack of a value.
By replacing optional nil values with an t:OptionEx.t/0
, it is no longer needed to match nil value cases. By using OptionEx.map/2
or OptionEx.bind/2
the function passed as second argument will only be executed when a value is present. By using OptionEx.or_else/2
or OptionEx.or_else_with/2
it is possible to add a default value, or behaviour to be executed only in case there is no value.
iex> find_by_id = fn
...> 1 -> nil
...> x -> %{id: x}
...> end
...> find_by_id.(2)
...> |> OptionEx.return()
{:some, %{id: 2}}
...> find_by_id.(1)
...> |> OptionEx.return()
...> find_by_id.(2)
...> |> OptionEx.return()
...> |> OptionEx.map(fn record -> record.id end)
...> |> OptionEx.map(&(&1 + 1))
...> |> OptionEx.bind(find_by_id)
{:some, %{id: 3}}
...> find_by_id.(1)
...> |> OptionEx.return()
...> |> OptionEx.map(fn record -> record.id end)
...> |> OptionEx.map(&(&1 + 1))
...> |> OptionEx.bind(find_by_id)
...> find_by_id.(2)
...> |> OptionEx.return()
...> |> OptionEx.or_else_with(fn -> find_by_id.(0) end)
%{id: 2}
...> find_by_id.(1)
...> |> OptionEx.return()
...> |> OptionEx.or_else_with(fn -> find_by_id.(0) end)
%{id: 0}
The package can be installed
by adding option_ex
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:option_ex, "~> 0.1.0"}
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- Documentation is published on HexDocs.
- Documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/option_ex.