Releases: LLNL/lbann
============================== Release Notes: v0.96 ==============================
Support for new layers:
- Log softmax
- Basic math functions
- Weights layer, which outputs a weights tensor
- L2 norm squared
- Binary cross entropy loss and sigmoid binary cross entropy loss
- Boolean accuracy, Boolean false negative rate, Boolean false positive rate
- Bilinear resize
- Variance and covariance
- Dilated and grouped convolution (GPU only)
Performance optimizations:
- Optimized GPU model-parallel softmax layer
Model portability & usability:
- Option for weight initialization with user-provided list of values
- Callback to save any layer output as an image
Internal features:
- Provide compile time option to selectively disable OpenMP for data fetching loop
- Thrust calls no longer involve the default CUDA stream
I/O & data readers:
- Reworked jag_conduit data reader:
- Support the updated JAG simulation data output format
- Use direct HDF5 I/O for on-demand data loading with Conduit
- Ingest a unique set of data files per instance
- Allow exclusive data partitioning among multiple trainers
- Multi-channel images
- Normalization of JAG data
- Interface to select images of specific views and time indices
- Interface to describe how to slice JAG data
- Avoid redundant fetching and incoherent random number pulls in the group of local data readers
- Improved threading performance by preallocating scratch space for loading samples
Build system:
- Support cross-compilation configurations in superbuild and SetupProtobuf
============================= Release Notes: v0.95 ==============================
Support for new training algorithms:
- Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)
Support for new network structures:
- Variational Autoencoders
- CycleGAN
- Combined Autoencoders with CycleGAN
- Deep Recurrent Attention Model (DRAM), Ba et al. (2015)
- Video Recurrent Attention Model (VRAM)
Support for new layers:
- Optimized Top-K accuracy (CPU, GPU)
- Crop (CPU, GPU)
- Sort (CPU, GPU) both ascending and descending order
- Absolute value (CPU, GPU)
- Mean-squared (CPU, GPU)
- Top-K categorical accuracy (CPU, GPU)
- Cross-entropy (CPU, GPU)
- Stop gradient (CPU, GPU)
Performance optimizations:
- Use Pinned memory for CPU activations matrices
- Non-blocking GPU computation of objective functions and metrics
- Refactored weight matrices and weight initialization
- Manage GPU workspace buffers with memory pool
- Slice and concatenation layer emit matrix views if possible
- Used more fine-grained asynchronous calls when using Aluminum Library
- Minimized GPU stream synchronization events per call
- Improved / minimized synchronization events when using a single GPU
- Fixed GPU workspace size
- GPU implementation of Adagrad optimizer
- GPU model-parallel softmax
- Optimized local CUDA kernel implementations
- Support for distributed matrices with arbitrary alignment
Model portability & Usability:
- Keras to LBANN prototext conversion tool
Internals Features:
- Support for multiple objective functions and metrics per network with arbitrary placement
- Objective functions represented as layers
- Metrics represented as layers
- Introduced evaluation layer construct
- Ability to freeze specific layers for pre-training / fine-tuning
- Refactoring tensor setup in setup, forward prop, and back prop
- Layers store matrices in private smart pointers
- Model automatically inserts evaluation layers where needed
- Copy Layer activations between models
- Annotated GPU profiling output with training phases
- Fixed initialization of Comm object and Grid objects when using multiple models
- General code cleanup, refactoring, and various bug fixes.
- All layers overwrite error signal matrices
- NCCL backend is now implemented via Aluminum Library
- MPI calls are routed through the LBANN Comm object into Hydrogen or Aluminum
- Provide runtime statistics summary from every rank
- Reworked LBANN to use Hydrogen to manage GPU memory
- GPU allocations now via CUB memory pool
- Fixed Spack build interaction with Hydrogen Library
I/O & data readers:
- Support for Conduit objects with HDF5 formatting
- In-memory and locally offloaded data store
- Data Store can hold the entire training set in memory (or node-local storage)
- Data store will shuffle data samples between epochs and present samples to input layer
- Updated synthetic data reader
- Modified data readers to handle bad samples in JAG conduit data
- Reworked the I/O layers (input and target) so that the input layer produces both the
sample and label / response if necessary.- Target layer is being deprecated
- Updated image data reader to use cv::imdecode to accelerate image load times
- Allow users to specify an array of data sources for the independent/dependent
variables via prototext
============================== Release Notes: v0.94 ==============================
Support for new training algorithms:
- Back-Propagation Through Time (BPTT)
-- Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
-- Long Short-Term Memories (LSTM) - Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)
- Variational autoencoders
- Convolutional autoencoders
- Fine tuning of pretrained networks
-- Flexible weight freezing - Context-prediction network (Siamese network)
- Livermore Tournament Fast Batch learning (LTFB)
- Variable mini-batch sizes
Support for new network structures
- Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) networks
- Residual networks
- Modular and composable objective functions
- Multiple metrics
- Shared weight matrices
- (BETA) New evaluation layer that is attach to any point of DAG
- Motifs (compound, reused network patterns)
Support for new layers:
- Learning:
- Deconvolution
- Metrics:
-- Top K Categorical accuracy, Pearson correlation, Mean absolute deviation - Loss Functions:
-- Cross Entropy with Uncertainty, Geometric negative log likelihood
-- Poisson Negative log likelihood, Polya Negative Log Likelihood - Optimizers:
-- Hypergradient Adam - Transform Layers:
-- Contatenation, Noise, Unpooling, Pooling, Reshape, Slice, Split, Sum - Regularizer:
-- Batch Normalization, Selu Dropout, Local Response Normalization (LRN) - Activations:
-- Leaky Relu, Smooth Relu, Elu, Scaled Elu, Softplus, Atan,
-- Bent Identity, Exponential
Performance optimizations:
- GPU acceleration for most layers
- NCCL 2.X
- Optimized communication patterns
- Asynchronous weight updates
- Asynchronous metric and objective function updates
- batch normalization (global and local)
- L2 normalization
- Adaptive Quantization (inter-model)
Model portablility & usability:
- Portable checkpoints / recovery
- Distributed checkpoint / recovery
- Network visualization
- Export LBANN to TensorFlow format
Internals Features:
- Gradient checking
- Network representation using tensor dimensions
- Bamboo continuous integration (CI)
- Improved data processing pipeline
New data readers:
- Numpy
- Methods for merging multiple features and samples across files
- CANDLE Pilot 2
- CANDLE Pilot 1 Combo
Integration with Hydrogen, an optimized distributed, dense linear algebra
library. Hydrogen is a fork of the Elemental library. Hydrogen optimizes for:
distributed matrices with elemental and block distributions, BLAS, LAPACK,
distributed and local matrix management.
Integration with optimized all-reduce communication library Aluminum. Aluminum
provides custom reduction patterns, customized CUDA reduction kernels,
and asynchronous communication operators. It uses MPI, MPI w/GPUdirect, or NCCL
as back-end libraries. Aluminum enables us to effectively use non-blocking
all-reduces during backprop/optimization
Addtionally, we have added support for an online, distributed data store. When
enabled, LBANN is able to ingest all of the training data set in a distributed
method across all ranks. Each data store is then able to serve it's portion of
a mini-batch, dynamically moving data to the necessary ranks in the model (based
on the mini-batch data distribution).
============================== Release Notes: v0.93 ==============================
This release contains a major refactoring / overhaul of the code base.
Key highlights include:
- Moving layer design into smaller simpler layers that have a single
compute behavior per layer. Specifically, linear combination of the
inputs, non-linear activations, and regularizers now exist as their
own layers. - Layers now have a template parameter that specifies the data layout
for the distributed matrices. - Prototext interface for specifying neural network models and data
readers is nearly fully functional. - Code now adheres to internal coding style as outlined in
README_coding_style.txt - Dead-code has been eliminated and layer file hierachy has been
cleaned up.
============================== Release Notes: v0.92 ==============================
New features include (but are not limited to):
- Full support for convolutional and pooling layers
- GPU acceleration of local Elemental GEMM operations
- Improved network and data reader support
-- Alexnet
-- VGG
-- CIFAR-10 - Added a suite of regularizers, objective functions, and metrics, including:
-- Batch normaalization
-- Drop-out
-- L2 - Dramatically improves the performance of inter-model communication
- Added suite of image prepossessing routines
============================== Release Notes: v0.91 ==============================
Incorporates a number of changes throught the LBANN code base.
In particular there is a new build system that tries to have LBANN
download all of the dependencies into its build tree, and compile them
locally. Additional improvements include optimizations in the data
parallel, multiple model training framework, support for convolutional
layers, and general bug fixes.