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How To Make Money on AVideo Platform

Daniel Neto edited this page May 20, 2024 · 2 revisions


Monetization with AI

You can monetize with AI requests through the AI Plugin. Each AI request carries a cost, providing a potential revenue stream for site admins. Users can be charged for AI requests using funds from their site wallets, with the option for site admins to overprice AI request prices and generate income from users who utilize these AI services.

Image Ads

The default ads system is Google AdSense, but we also support different ad providers. By default, add your ad code on the Sites configuration menu -> Script Code -> Google Ad Sense. The ads will appear on the top and on the right side of your videos list (Just Like YouTube).

Video Ads

Some companies also provide a VAST/VPAID ads system, which is what we use to display ads on our videos. With this, you can set up video ads to appear while your users are watching your content. For this, you will need GoogleAds_IMA.

In case you do not want to use a third-party company to provide you with video ads, you can use your own videos as video ads, with AD_Server Plugin.

Video Overlay Ads

This is just like image ads but will appear over your video. The user will have a close button to hide the box.

Required plugins

Learn more about advertisement here.

Paid Content

You probably already know you can use AVideo Platform to deliver free content, but you can also use it to provide paid content.

For example, we have paid content on our Flix style site

For now, we offer you 2 ways to deliver paid content to your users.

1 - Subscription

Required plugins

2 - PayPerView

Required plugins

How your video publishers can make money

Please refer to this AVideo documentation to learn about the different options available for monetizing your content producers regarding the payment gateways, taxes, and limitations.

Reward per view

Users that publish videos on your website can be rewarded based on the number of views. We make our best to avoid fake views or views farms, check here how the views count works.

Required plugins

Use the AD_Overlay plugin per user

Now you can select the option allowUserAds, with this each user will be able to add their own ad code. Check the complete tutorial here.


You can allow your users to share a donation link on their videos. to enable this feature go to the CustomizeUser plugin, edit the parameters and check the option allowDonationLink. All the users who have upload rights will be able to share their donation pages/links.


Then inside each user profile, you will see a field called Donation Link, you can add a link to any donation gateway you have or create a hot site/page with information for donation.


Look how Josh did with his donation page, he added this link to his donation button

The user donation link will appear on their videos when someone is watching and also will appear on the Chat2 plugin when you are in his channel or video.

Right now there is no way to get a cut from the donation. if you want to do something similar you may want to create a topMenu item with a site owner donation link, and manually manage it between publishers.

Donation from Wallet

You can have a donation button for all your publishers (VOD or live) that will use the wallet balance. to enable this option you have to check the option allowWalletDirectTransferDonation on the CustomizeUser plugin


Add balance to the wallet

To credit some balance in the website wallet it is necessary to follow the plugin rules

Button on all videos


Chat integration

Whenever someone donates something from the wallet, we will send an automatic message to the chat

chrome-capture-2022-6-18 (2)

Custom donation buttons

The idea here is that each user can define the values that will be donated in their chat as well as a button will appear in all their videos (publishers).

whenever a user makes a donation, the amount will leave the user's wallet and will be credited to the video owner's wallet.

Your users to create custom donation buttons for their content. to enable this option check the option UsersCanCustomizeWalletDirectTransferDonation on CustomizeUser plugin

After enabling this you can setup up 8 different buttons, just go to My Account then click on the Donation Option tab


Withdrawal request

Payment gateway taxes and fees

It is important to remember that when someone credits an amount to the wallet, using PayPal, Stripe, or any other means of payment, it involves some fees. for example, if someone credits 10 dollars in the wallet paying through PayPal, probably, after PayPal charges your commission, in your PayPal account you will only have something around 8 dollars, but the user who made the payment will have 10 dollars in the wallet from the website.

Do not take a financial loss

Therefore, your withdrawal policy must provide for these fees, which must involve a reduction in fees + the site administrator's commission, etc.

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