Gene prioritization based on network biology tools Candidate Gene Curation file contains the raw, heursitically processed, and ranked Glioblastoma genes from each gene set (PAG-DEG, COS-MUT, COS-CTL, CBP-MUT, CBP-CNA)
Enrichment and Refinement file contains the genes along each step of the iterative prioritization and refinement process for 2 iterations
GSEA file contains the input files (.gmx gene set files and .rnk ranked gene list file), the output files (containing the results and data generated by GSEAPreranked for each gene set), an excel file with the genes curated from all gene sets (PAG-DEG, COS-MUT, COS-CTL, CBP-MUT, CBP-CNA) ranked by BEERE, and figures/graphs depicting the results from GSEAPreranked