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Releases: bogwro/cesium


13 Aug 09:43
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Cesium Change Log

1.24 - 2016-08-01

  • Added support in CZML for expressing BillboardGraphics.alignedAxis as the velocity vector of an entity, using velocityReference syntax.
  • Added urlSchemeZeroPadding property to UrlTemplateImageryProvider to allow the numeric parts of a URL, such as {x}, to be padded with zeros to make them a fixed width.
  • Added leap second just prior to January 2017. #4092
  • Fixed an exception that would occur when switching to 2D view when shadows are enabled. #4051
  • Fixed an issue causing entities to disappear when updating multiple entities simultaneously. #4096
  • Normalizing the velocity vector produced by VelocityVectorProperty is now optional.
  • Pack functions now return the result array #4156
  • Added optional rangeMax parameter to Math.toSNorm and Math.fromSNorm. #4121
  • Removed MapQuest OpenStreetMap from the list of demo base layers since direct tile access has been discontinued. See the MapQuest Developer Blog for details.
  • Fixed PolylinePipeline.generateArc to accept an array of heights when there's only one position #4155


13 Aug 09:46
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Change Log

1.23 - 2016-07-01

  • Breaking changes
    • GroundPrimitive.initializeTerrainHeights() must be called and have the returned promise resolve before a GroundPrimitive can be added synchronously.
  • Added terrain clamping to entities, KML, and GeoJSON
    • Added heightReference property to point, billboard and model entities.
    • Changed corridor, ellipse, polygon and rectangle entities to conform to terrain by using a GroundPrimitive if its material is a ColorMaterialProperty instance and it doesn't have a height or extrudedHeight. Entities with any other type of material are not clamped to terrain.
    • KMLDataSource
      • Point and Model features will always respect altitudeMode.
      • Added clampToGround property. When true, clamps Polygon, LineString and LinearRing features to the ground if their altitudeMode is clampToGround. For this case, lines use a corridor instead of a polyline.
    • GeoJsonDataSource
      • Points with a height will be drawn at that height; otherwise, they will be clamped to the ground.
      • Added clampToGround property. When true, clamps Polygon and LineString features to the ground. For this case, lines use a corridor instead of a polyline.
    • Added Ground Clamping Sandcastle example.
  • Improved performance and accuracy of polygon triangulation by using the earcut library. Loading a GeoJSON with polygons for each country was 2x faster.
  • Fix some large polygon triangulations. #2788
  • Added support for the glTF extension WEB3D_quantized_attributes. #3241
  • Added CZML support for Box, Corridor and Cylinder. Added new CZML properties:
    • Billboard: width, height, heightReference, scaleByDistance, translucencyByDistance, pixelOffsetScaleByDistance, imageSubRegion
    • Label: heightReference, translucencyByDistance, pixelOffsetScaleByDistance
    • Model: heightReference, maximumScale
    • Point: heightReference, scaleByDistance, translucencyByDistance
    • Ellipsoid: subdivisions, stackPartitions, slicePartitions
  • Added rotatable2D property to to Scene, CesiumWidget and Viewer to enable map rotation in 2D mode. #3897
  • Camera.setView and Camera.flyTo now use the orientation.heading parameter in 2D if the map is rotatable.
  • Added Camera.changed event that will fire whenever the camera has changed more than Camera.percentageChanged. percentageChanged is in the range [0, 1].
  • Zooming in toward a target point now keeps the target point at the same screen position. #4016
  • Improved GroundPrimitive performance.
  • Some incorrect KML (specifically KML that reuses IDs) is now parsed correctly.
  • Added unsupportedNodeEvent to KmlDataSource that is fired whenever an unsupported node is encountered.
  • Clock now keeps its configuration settings self-consistent. Previously, this was done by AnimationViewModel and could become inconsistent in certain cases. #4007
  • Updated Google Cardboard Sandcastle example.
  • Added hot air balloon sample model.
  • Fixed handling of sampled Rectangle coordinates in CZML. #4033
  • Fix "Cannot read property 'x' of undefined" error when calling SceneTransforms.wgs84ToWindowCoordinates in certain cases. #4022
  • Re-enabled mouse inputs after a specified number of milliseconds past the most recent touch event.
  • Exposed a parametric ray-triangle intersection test to the API as IntersectionTests.rayTriangleParametric.
  • Added packArray and unpackArray functions to Cartesian2, Cartesian3, and Cartesian4.


13 Aug 09:48
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Change Log

1.18 - 2016-02-01

  • Breaking changes
    • Removed support for CESIUM_binary_glTF. Use KHR_binary_glTF instead, which is the default for the online COLLADA-to-glTF converter.
  • Deprecated
    • Deprecated GroundPrimitive.geometryInstance. It will be removed in 1.20. Use GroundPrimitive.geometryInstances instead.
    • Deprecated TileMapServiceImageryProvider. It will be removed in 1.20. Use createTileMapServiceImageryProvider instead.
  • Reduced the amount of CPU memory used by terrain by ~25% in Chrome.
  • Added a Sandcastle example to "star burst" overlapping billboards and labels.
  • Added VRButton which is a simple, single-button widget that toggles VR mode. It is off by default. To enable the button, set the vrButton option to Viewer to true. Only Cardboard for mobile is supported. More VR devices will be supported when the WebVR API is more stable.
  • Added Scene.useWebVR to switch the scene to use stereoscopic rendering.
  • Cesium now honors window.devicePixelRatio on browsers that support the CSS imageRendering attribute. This greatly improves performance on mobile devices and high DPI displays by rendering at the browser-recommended resolution. This also reduces bandwidth usage and increases battery life in these cases. To enable the previous behavior, use the following code:
    javascript if(Cesium.FeatureDetection.supportsImageRenderingPixelated()){ viewer.resolutionScale = window.devicePixelRatio; }
  • GroundPrimitive now supports batching geometry for better performance.
  • Improved compatibility with glTF KHR_binary_glTF and KHR_materials_common extensions
  • Added ImageryLayer.getViewableRectangle to make it easy to get the effective bounds of an imagery layer.
  • Improved compatibility with glTF KHR_binary_glTF and KHR_materials_common extensions
  • Fixed a picking issue that sometimes prevented objects being selected. #3386
  • Fixed cracking between tiles in 2D. #3486
  • Fixed creating bounding volumes for GroundPrimitives whose containing rectangle has a width greater than pi.
  • Fixed incorrect texture coordinates for polygons with large height.
  • Fixed camera.flyTo not working when in 2D mode and only orientation changes
  • Added UrlTemplateImageryProvider.reinitialize for changing imagery provider options without creating a new instance.
  • UrlTemplateImageryProvider now accepts a promise to an options object in addition to taking the object directly.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented WMS feature picking from working with THREDDS XML and msGMLOutput in Internet Explorer 11.
  • Added Scene.useDepthPicking to enable or disable picking using the depth buffer. #3390
  • Added BoundingSphere.fromEncodedCartesianVertices to create bounding volumes from parallel arrays of the upper and lower bits of EncodedCartesian3s.
  • Added helper functions: getExtensionFromUri, getAbsoluteUri, and Math.logBase.
  • Added Rectangle.union and Rectangle.expand.
  • TMS support now works with newer versions of generated layers. createTileMapServiceImageryProvider. Tilesets generated with older versions may need to have the flipXY : true option set to load correctly.


24 Jan 19:36
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Update Cesium to latest version: 1.17