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Merge pull request #561 from analulujg/masstransfer
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Mass transfer setup
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danieljprice authored Aug 7, 2024
2 parents fa0bc92 + 0224d43 commit e153402
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Showing 3 changed files with 236 additions and 1 deletion.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions build/Makefile_setups
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -855,6 +855,15 @@ ifeq ($(SETUP), windtunnel)

ifeq ($(SETUP), masstransfer)
# Wind tunnel setup
SETUPFILE= setup_masstransfer.f90

ifeq ($(SETUP), jet)
# Jet simulation from Price, Tricco & Bate (2012)
SETUPFILE= velfield_fromcubes.f90 setup_sphereinbox.f90
Expand Down
13 changes: 12 additions & 1 deletion src/setup/set_binary.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module setbinary
! :Dependencies: binaryutils
implicit none
public :: set_binary,Rochelobe_estimate,L1_point,get_a_from_period
public :: set_binary,Rochelobe_estimate,L1_point,get_a_from_period,get_period_from_a
public :: get_mean_angmom_vector,get_eccentricity_vector

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -406,6 +406,17 @@ function get_a_from_period(m1,m2,period) result(a)

end function get_a_from_period

! Function to determine the period given the semi-major axis
function get_period_from_a(m1,m2,a) result(period)
real, intent(in) :: m1,m2,a
real :: period

period= sqrt(((2.*pi)**2*a**3)/(m1 + m2))

end function get_period_from_a

! Eccentricity vector, for second body
Expand Down
215 changes: 215 additions & 0 deletions src/setup/setup_masstransfer.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
! The Phantom Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics code, by Daniel Price et al. !
! Copyright (c) 2007-2024 The Authors (see AUTHORS) !
! See LICENCE file for usage and distribution conditions !
! !
module setup
! Setup of two stars or sink particles in a binary
! :References: None
! :Owner: Daniel Price
! :Runtime parameters:
! - a : *semi-major axis*
! - mdon : *donor/primary star mass*
! - macc : *accretor/companion star mass*
! - corotate : *set stars in corotation*
! - eccentricity : *eccentricity*
! - f : *initial true anomaly (180=apoastron)*
! - inc : *inclination (deg)*
! - relax : *relax stars into equilibrium*
! - w : *argument of periapsis (deg)*
! :Dependencies: centreofmass, dim, eos, externalforces, infile_utils, io,
! mpidomain, options, part, physcon, relaxstar, setbinary, setstar,
! setunits, setup_params, units

implicit none
public :: setpart
real :: a,mdon,macc,hacc



! setup for binary star simulations (with or without gas)
subroutine setpart(id,npart,npartoftype,xyzh,massoftype,vxyzu,&
use part, only:nptmass,xyzmh_ptmass,vxyz_ptmass,ihacc
use setbinary, only:set_binary,get_period_from_a
use centreofmass, only:reset_centreofmass
use options, only:iexternalforce
use externalforces, only:iext_corotate,omega_corotate
use extern_corotate, only:icompanion_grav,companion_xpos,companion_mass,hsoft
use io, only:master,fatal
use eos, only:ieos, gmw
use setunits, only:mass_unit,dist_unit
use timestep, only:tmax,dtmax
integer, intent(in) :: id
integer, intent(inout) :: npart
integer, intent(out) :: npartoftype(:)
real, intent(out) :: xyzh(:,:)
real, intent(out) :: massoftype(:)
real, intent(out) :: polyk,gamma,hfact
real, intent(inout) :: time
character(len=20), intent(in) :: fileprefix
real, intent(out) :: vxyzu(:,:)
character(len=120) :: filename
integer :: ierr
logical :: iexist
real :: period,ecc,hdon,mass_ratio
!--general parameters
dist_unit = 'solarr'
mass_unit = 'solarm'
time = 0.
polyk = 0.
gamma = 5./3.
!--space available for injected gas particles
! in case only sink particles are used
npart = 0
npartoftype(:) = 0
massoftype = 0.

iexternalforce = iext_corotate
icompanion_grav = 1
xyzh(:,:) = 0.
vxyzu(:,:) = 0.
nptmass = 0
a = 266.34
mdon = 6.97
macc = 1.41
hacc = 1.
ieos = 2
gmw = 0.6
ecc = 0.
hdon = 1.

if (id==master) print "(/,65('-'),1(/,a),/,65('-'),/)",&
' Welcome to the Ultimate Binary Setup'

filename = trim(fileprefix)//'.setup'
if (iexist) call read_setupfile(filename,ieos,polyk,ierr)
if (.not. iexist .or. ierr /= 0) then
if (id==master) then
call write_setupfile(filename)
print*,' Edit '//trim(filename)//' and rerun phantomsetup'
!--if a is negative or is given time units, interpret this as a period

period = get_period_from_a(mdon,macc,a)
tmax = 10.*period
dtmax = tmax/200.
!--now setup orbit using fake sink particles
call set_binary(mdon,macc,a,ecc,hdon,hacc,xyzmh_ptmass,vxyz_ptmass,nptmass,ierr,omega_corotate,&

call reset_centreofmass(npart,xyzh,vxyzu,nptmass,xyzmh_ptmass,vxyz_ptmass)

if (ierr /= 0) call fatal ('setup_binary','error in call to set_binary')

companion_mass = mdon
companion_xpos = xyzmh_ptmass(1,1)
mass_ratio = mdon / macc
hsoft = 0.1 * 0.49 * mass_ratio**(2./3.) / (0.6*mass_ratio**(2./3.) + &
log( 1. + mass_ratio**(1./3.) ) ) * a
!--delete donor sink
xyzmh_ptmass(:,1) = xyzmh_ptmass(:,2)
vxyz_ptmass(1:3,1) = 0.

!--restore options

end subroutine setpart

! write options to .setup file
subroutine write_setupfile(filename)
use infile_utils, only:write_inopt
use setunits, only:write_options_units
use eos, only:write_options_eos
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
integer :: iunit

print "(a)",' writing setup options file '//trim(filename)
write(iunit,"(a)") '# input file for binary setup routines'

call write_options_units(iunit)
call write_options_eos(iunit)

write(iunit,"(/,a)") '# orbit settings'
call write_inopt(a,'a','semi-major axis',iunit)
call write_inopt(mdon,'mdon','mass of the donor star',iunit)
call write_inopt(macc,'macc','mass of the companion star',iunit)
call write_inopt(hacc,'hacc','accretion radius of the companion star',iunit)


end subroutine write_setupfile

! read options from .setup file
subroutine read_setupfile(filename,ieos,polyk,ierr)
use infile_utils, only:open_db_from_file,inopts,read_inopt,close_db
use io, only:error,fatal
use setunits, only:read_options_and_set_units
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
integer, intent(inout) :: ieos
real, intent(inout) :: polyk
integer, intent(out) :: ierr
integer, parameter :: iunit = 21
integer :: nerr
type(inopts), allocatable :: db(:)

nerr = 0
ierr = 0

call open_db_from_file(db,filename,iunit,ierr)
call read_options_and_set_units(db,nerr)

call read_inopt(ieos,'ieos',db,errcount=nerr) ! equation of state
call read_inopt(a,'a',db,errcount=nerr)
call read_inopt(mdon,'mdon',db,errcount=nerr)
call read_inopt(macc,'macc',db,errcount=nerr)
call read_inopt(hacc,'hacc',db,errcount=nerr)
call close_db(db)

if (nerr > 0) then
print "(1x,i2,a)",nerr,' error(s) during read of setup file: re-writing...'
ierr = nerr

end subroutine read_setupfile

end module setup

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