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Hacker News Pickup Rate Visual Analytics

entaroadun edited this page Nov 23, 2011 · 3 revisions

The data presented in the graphs was gathered over 3 days, starting on 11/14/2011 around 6pm, Monday till 11/17/2011 around 6pm, Thursday. The web app is still gathering the data but the web app displays just overlayed time series graphs. The visual analysis has couple fancy graphs done in R using ggplot2 package. Annotation of the graphs was done using Mac OS X Paintbrush.

To get data into R, you can use following commands:

 dat <- fromJSON(file='')
 score_newest <- sapply(dat[ [1] ][ ['data'] ],function(x){x[2]})
 score_news <- sapply(dat[ [2] ][ ['data'] ],function(x){x[2]})
 pickup_ratio <- sapply(dat[ [3] ][ ['data'] ],function(x){x[2]})

HN pickup ratio visual analysis