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ildar edited this page May 15, 2018 · 5 revisions

There are a few types of RC522 chips and boards.

Chip types

NXP has made RC522 chip as the heart of RFID boards. According to datasheet there are two revisions of RC522, but in fact there are a few more in a wild. The chips may (hopefully precisely) be identified by Version code obtained with reading VersionReg (37h register). Known chips:

MFRC522 version 0.0

software version is: 90h

MFRC522 version 1.0

software version is: 91h. (due to datasheet)

MFRC522 version 2.0

software version is: 92h. (due to datasheet)

Fudan Semiconductor FM17522 clone

software version is: 88h

Ultracheap Chinese board with label "RFID-RC522"

software version is: 12h This chip is crippled, doesn't execute all commands, details.

See also

  2. datasheet