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Demo: Teleoperation (local)

gajanidsc edited this page Oct 28, 2013 · 6 revisions

Log into the robot using ssh (password: passwordx)

ssh odroid@cloudbot0

Thisassumed that you cloudbot in your /etc/hosts file.

Make sure that ROS_MASTER_URI in /etc/profile is pointing to your PC. Once you change /etc/profile make sure you source it. (or exit and ssh again!)

In the local PC

roslaunch rm_launch keyboard_teleop.launch prefix:=cloudbot0

To teleoperate On the robot

roslaunch rm_launch robot.launch

To control servo publish the following message. Values are in radians and range is -0.7 to 0.7.

rostopic pub /cloudbot0/mobile_base/commands/servo_angle std_msgs/Float32 -- <Angle>

To view the map

rosrun rm_multi_mapper teleop_demo

And open rviz for visualization

rosrun rviz rviz -d multi_robot.rviz

To save the map call

rosservice call save_map


  1. Is the robots connected the router? You can access the router through (admin-passwordx)
  2. Is ROS_MASTER_URI of the robot pointing to the PC?
  3. Does the router connected to the internet? (ntp)