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Releases: robotemi/sdk

Version 1.135.1

02 Dec 09:47
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Released on Novement 25, 2024.
Compatibile with temi 135 Launcher, minimum version 18158.

Sprint 135 temi launcher and SDK bring the following features and changes.

Voice flow

  • wakeup() can take WakeupRequest as parameter
  • WakeupRequest can control withResponse so SDK wake up can also have wakeup response.
  • Add WakeupOrigin to onWakeupWord() callback.


  • Follow beWithMe() can take SpeedLevel as parameter
  • Set and get system wide follow speed
  • goTo() can take highAccuracyArrival and noRotationAtEnd as parameters
  • goToPosition() can take highAccuracyArrival as parameter.


  • Add Gender.GIRL and Gender.BOY as TTS voice, supported in 135 Chinese version temi.
  • Add getHomeScreenMode() to check current home screen mode.


  • Improve local map import and export support on tar.gz, tgz and tar.

Version 1.134.1

12 Aug 07:22
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Released on Aug 12, 2024.
Compatibile with temi 134 Launcher, minimum version 18024.

Sprint 134 temi launcher and SDK bring the following features and changes.

  1. Support more map management.

  2. Add navigation path callback

  3. Support extra battery

  4. Add emergency stop button status

  5. Add TTS Queue support.

    • speak with TtsRequest with the same id will keep the requests in a queue.
  6. Support position parameter in repose() method.

  7. Turn off Kiosk mode to target mode

  8. New movement status code from OnGoToLocationStatusChangedListener

    • 10008 path plan
    • 10009 docking started
  9. Add ms-MY, vi-VN, el-GR as TTS and STT language, add ru-RU as STT language.

Version 1.133.0

02 May 03:03
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Released on May 2, 2024.
Compatibile with temi 133 Launcher, minimum version 17878.

Sprint 133 temi launcher and SDK bring the following features and changes.


  • New API to get current position with getPosition()
  • Update addOnCurrentPositionChangedListener, it will trigger a current position broadcast when the listener is added.


  • Change microphone gain level in temi Meetings with setMicGainLevel()


  • Add map eraser layer support

Voice flow

  • Support HI_IN and EN_IN as STT language
  • Support EN_IN as TTS language
  • wakeup() can take SttRequest as argument
  • startDefaultNlu() can take SttLanguage as argument
  • askQuestion() can take TtsRequest and SttRequest as arguments
  • Add continuous conversation support. (an experimental version, to be improved in next versions)

Version 1.132.1

15 Dec 06:11
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Released on December 15, 2023.
Compatibile with temi 132 Launcher, minimum version 17711.

  • Add layer direction in virtual wall layers of MapDataModel to support one-way virtual wall.

Version 1.132.0

24 Nov 03:03
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Released on November 23, 2023.
Compatibile with temi 132 Launcher, minimum version 17683.

Sprint 132 temi launcher and SDK bring the following features and changes.


SDK will not run forceStop() when temi launcher is not detected.


Face recognition

  • Return faceRect in the recognition results

Multi-language ASR

  • With 132 temi launcher, apps can wakeup() temi with list of SttLanguage
  • Kiosk app can setAsrLanguages(), the settings will persisit when the kiosk app is running.
    • Languages set from wakeup() have higher priority than setAsrLanguages
  • AsrListener will return both the text and language


  • startTelepresence() will be supported by the same logic as startMeeting() inside temi launcher. Except it doesn't require Meetings permssion
  • startMeeting() will take a new parameter blockRobotInteraction to disable some UI to protect from misuse on temi side when doing remote call.
  • LinkBasedMeeting will take parameter blockRobotInteraction as well

Version 1.131.4

07 Aug 12:56
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Released on August 7, 2023.
Compatibile with temi 131 Launcher, minimum version 17589.

What's Changed

  • Support minimum obstacle distance. #406

Version 1.131.3

31 Jul 05:40
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Released on July 31, 2023.
Compatibile with temi 131 Launcher, minimum version 17579.

Version 1.131.1

05 Jul 10:04
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Released on July 5, 2023.
Compatibile with temi 131 Launcher, minimum version 17533.

New Changes

  • Update startMeeting() API with firstParticipantJoinedAsHost parameter, so that temi will automatically assign host to the first joined participant, to allow meeting management from a remote client.

Version 1.131.0

14 Jun 02:35
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Released on June 13, 2023.
Compatibile with temi 131 Launcher, minimum version 17487.

Sprint 131 temi launcher and SDK bring the following features and changes.


  • Start a multiparty meeting with startMeeting(), require MEETINGS permission
  • Turn ON/OFF StandBy Mode with enableStandBy(), require SETTINGS permission
  • Add Estonian et-EE as TTS language.

Version 1.130.4

02 Feb 08:15
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Released on February 2, 2023.
Compatibile with temi 130 Launcher, minimum version 17276.

Sprint 130 temi launcher and SDK bring the following features and changes.

  • Add Hindi as TTS language.
  • Serial.weight will return 0 when it is not supported by firmware.