Version 1.132.0
Released on November 23, 2023.
Compatibile with temi 132 Launcher, minimum version 17683.
Sprint 132 temi launcher and SDK bring the following features and changes.
SDK will not run forceStop() when temi launcher is not detected.
- Launch the tour list page with startPage(Page.TOURS)
- Get all the tours of the robot with getAllTours()
- Start a tour with playTour()
Face recognition
- Return faceRect in the recognition results
Multi-language ASR
- With 132 temi launcher, apps can wakeup() temi with list of SttLanguage
- Kiosk app can setAsrLanguages(), the settings will persisit when the kiosk app is running.
- Languages set from wakeup() have higher priority than setAsrLanguages
- AsrListener will return both the text and language
- startTelepresence() will be supported by the same logic as startMeeting() inside temi launcher. Except it doesn't require Meetings permssion
- startMeeting() will take a new parameter
to disable some UI to protect from misuse on temi side when doing remote call. - LinkBasedMeeting will take parameter
as well