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The cpm command

tom5454 edited this page Aug 3, 2024 · 10 revisions

The /cpm command


This is the server-side CPM command see the client-side /cpmclient command here



Usage /cpm setskin [-f|-t|-r] <target> <base64 model>

  • -f: Force set model, player can't change their own model.
  • -t: Temporary model, set model will be cleared when the player logs out.
  • -r: Reset model, remove server set model

Target: the player to set the model to
Base64 model: model exported with the Base64 option.
See: Base64 exports



safety recommend

Usage: /cpm safety recommend <enable>
Enable sending safety settings recommendations. The options can be set using the set command.

safety set

Usage: /cpm safety set <option> <value>
Set recommended safety settings


Controls the kick users without the mod feature.

kick enable

Usage: /cpm kick enable <kick time> Kick users without the mod installed, after the kick time (in ticks).

kick disable

Usage: /cpm kick disable Disable the kick feature

kick message

Usage: /cpm kick message <message...> Set the kick message


Usage: /cpm scaling <scaling option>

scaling limit

Usage: /cpm scaling <scaling option> limit [player] <max> or /cpm scaling <scaling option> limit [player] <min> <max>
Set the scaling limit for scaling option. Optionally can be set per player using the player argument, leave empty for global setting.

scaling enabled

Usage: /cpm scaling <scaling option> enabled [player] <enable>
Enable scaling for scaling option. Optionally can be set per player using the player argument, leave empty for global setting.

scaling method

Usage: /cpm scaling <scaling option> method [player] <method>
Set the scaling method for scaling option.
Supported options:

  • disable method acts like if the scaling mod isn't installed.
  • default pick the server default scaler.
  • attribute use vanilla attributes
  • pehkui use the Pehkui to scale (when installed)
  • See the scaling page for other supported mods.

scaling reset

Usage: /cpm scaling reset <player>
Reset the scaling for the selected player.


Usage: /cpm animate <target> <animation name> [value (0-255)]
Play the animation for the target player(s).
Value: 0: reset pose/gesture, 1: play pose/gesture, for layers value: 0-255, toggle: 0-1 or leave empty to switch state.


Usage: /cpm effects <effect> <options...>
Available effects:

  • invisible_glow <true/false>: Enable rendering the glowing layers for invisible players. On by default. Only has an effect after re-logging.


Usage: /cpm detect <target> <animation name> [value (0-255)]
Detect if the given animation is playing
If the value parameter is present then the command checks if the animation value is equal to the parameter

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