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Rich FitzJohn edited this page May 1, 2014 · 1 revision

Issues with computing the total leaf assimilation -- in particular when the first derivative is not defined/well behaved because of differences in how the adaptive integration proceeds -- causes the EBT to come to a grinding halt. This issue affects the different gradient calculations differently (forward/backward/centred differencing) as it requires a very precice set of conditions. As such, this might not actually be replicatable on different machines, with errors occuring at different places.

This bug can be removed by setting plant_assimilation_reuse_intervals to TRUE (the current default), and this file mostly exists to motivate the existence of some ugly design decisions through Plant and CohortTop.

There is nothing particularly magic about the parameters chosen; they are just the parameters for which I found the problem.

With forward: failure at addition 18 With backward: .................. 60 With richardson: ................ 41 -- fails differently?

## Loading required package: Rcpp

Misc functions for setting up times:

cohort.introduction.times <- function(max.time, multiplier=0.2,
                                      max.step.size=2) {
  if (min.step.size <= 0)
    stop("The minimum step size must be greater than zero")
  trim <- function(x)
    max(min(x, max.step.size), min.step.size)
  times <- numeric(0)
  dt <- time <- 0
  while (time <= max.time) {
    times <- c(times, time)
    time <- time + trim(time * multiplier)
insert.time <- function(i, x) {
  j <- seq_len(i)
  c(x[j], (x[i] + x[i+1])/2, x[-j])

p <- new(Parameters)

p$seed_rain <- 1.1
p$set_parameters(list(patch_area=1.0)) # See issue #13

Relatively quick control settings: <- list()$environment_light_rescale_usually <- TRUE$environment_light_tol <- 1e-4$plant_assimilation_rule <- 21$plant_assimilation_over_distribution <- FALSE$plant_assimilation_tol <- 1e-4

Set this to TRUE to make the problem go away$plant_assimilation_reuse_intervals <- FALSE$ode_tol_rel <- 1e-4$ode_tol_abs <- 1e-4$ode_step_size_max <- 5

p$seed_rain <- 50

t.max <- 104
tt.1 <- cohort.introduction.times(t.max)

get.vars <- function(obj) {
  vars <-$ode_values, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE))
  names(vars) <- c("height", "mort", "fec", "density")

Failure during forward differencing:$cohort_gradient_richardson <- FALSE$cohort_gradient_direction <- 1 # forward difference
sched <- new(CohortSchedule, p$size)
sched$set_times(insert.time(18, tt.1), 1)
sched$max_time <- max(t.max)
ebt <- new(EBT, p)
ebt$cohort_schedule <- sched
while (ebt$cohort_schedule$remaining > 0)
## Error: Detected non-finite contribution
t.f <- ebt$time

Now, rerun up to the time where failure will occur (avoids doing a partial step).

ebt <- new(EBT, p)
ebt$cohort_schedule <- sched
while (ebt$cohort_schedule$remaining > 0 && ebt$time < t.f)

Now, start poking about

patch <- ebt$patch

cur.v <-$ode_values, 4)))
cur.r <-$ode_rates, 4)))
names(cur.v) <- names(cur.r) <- c("height", "mort", "fec", "density")

The rate of change of density is really bad.


plot of chunk rate_of_change_density

OK, this is the point that is going to cause me trouble.

plot(cur.r$density ~ cur.v$height)

plot of chunk rate_of_change_density_trouble

But there is no sign of the trouble here, so I think that we're in a good spot.

plot(cur.v$density ~ cur.v$height)

plot of chunk density_vs_height

plot(exp(cur.v$density) ~ cur.v$height)

plot of chunk density_vs_height_exp

The height growth rate doesn't suggest much going on, which is odd because the gradient of this (wrt height) is part of the calculation of the rate of change of density.

plot(cur.r$height ~ cur.v$height)

plot of chunk height_vs_height

Nor does the mortality rate (the other half of the calculation)

plot(cur.r$mort ~ cur.v$height)

plot of chunk mort_vs_height

plants <- patch[[1]]$plants
env <- patch$environment

Here we are; this totally fails at the right point:

foo.g <- sapply(plants, function(p) p$growth_rate_gradient(env))
foo.h <- sapply(plants, function(p) p$height)
plot(foo.g ~ foo.h)

plot of chunk point_of_failure

So, why does this plant behave so differently?

idx <- which.min(foo.g)
plant <- plants[[idx]]
## [1] -26.52
h <- plant$height

While this looks well behaved, it's right on the edge of a small bit of very highly sampled light environment.

plot(env$light_environment$xy, type="o", col="grey")

plot of chunk point_of_failure_light_environment

plot(env$light_environment$xy, type="o", col="grey",
     xlim=c(2, 4), ylim=c(0.19, 0.21))
spline <- env$light_environment
hh <- seq(2, 4, length=501)
lines(hh, spline$eval(hh), col="red", lty=2)

plot of chunk point_of_failure_light_environment_zoom

Next, compute the growth rate gradient a few different ways.

gradient.fd.forward <- function(f, x, dx)
  (f(x + dx) - f(x)) / dx
gradient.fd.centre <- function(f, x, dx)
  (f(x + dx/2) - f(x - dx/2)) / dx
gradient.fd.backward <- function(f, x, dx)
  (f(x - dx) - f(x)) / (-dx)
gradient.richardson <- function(f, x, dx, eps, depth) {
  method.args <- list(d=dx, eps=eps, r=depth)
  grad(f, x, method.args=method.args)

make.f <- function(plant, env) {
    plant$growth_rate_given_height(h, env)

control <- p$control$parameters

Whoa: the backward does much better here, and matches well with the spline estimate. The centre and richardson versions do terribly.

(g.f <- gradient.fd.forward(make.f(plants[[idx]], env), h,
## [1] -26.52
(g.b <- gradient.fd.backward(make.f(plants[[idx]], env), h,
## [1] 0.01752
(g.c <- gradient.fd.centre(make.f(plants[[idx]], env), h,
## [1] -26.52

This is not much better.

(g.r <- gradient.richardson(make.f(plants[[idx]], env), h,
## [1] -38.55
plot(cur.r$height ~ cur.v$height)

plot of chunk height_height_spline

fit <- splinefun(cur.v$height, cur.r$height)
plot(cur.v$height, cur.r$height)
curve(fit, add=TRUE, col="red")
fit(h, 1)
## [1] 0.01676
x0 <- h
y0 <- make.f(plants[[idx]], env)(x0)
abline(y0 - c(g.f, g.b, g.c, g.r) * x0, c(g.f, g.b, g.c, g.r))

## [1] 0.1869
fit(h, 1) # different again, but not very.
## [1] 0.01676
g.s <- fit(h, 1)
abline(y0 - g.s * x0, g.s, col="red", lty=2)

plot of chunk height_height_spline_2

So, what is going on around that point?

eps <- control$cohort_gradient_eps
f <- make.f(plants[[idx]], env)
## [1] 0.1869
f(h + eps)
## [1] 0.1869
f(h - eps)
## [1] 0.1869
hh <- seq(h - 10*eps, h + 10*eps, length=101)
yy <- sapply(hh, f)

Here we go. It's not a huge change, but there is basically a small step in the calculation. My guess is that is coming from a difference in how we compute the assimilation using the adaptive integration routine.

plot(yy ~ hh)
abline(v=h + c(-eps, 0, eps))

plot of chunk actual_point_of_failure

make.g <- function(plant, env) {
  function(h) {
    plant$height <- h

Bingo. So, we need to be able to get and set parameters on exactly how the integration works.

aa <- sapply(hh, make.g(plants[[idx]], env))
plot(aa ~ hh)
abline(v=h + c(-eps, 0, eps))

plot of chunk actual_point_of_failure_exact

Quicker, self contained example, derived using dput() on the inputs above.

ode.values <- c(3.34466942878049, 6.49570744663801,
                2.01686759346824e-19, -1.04761954482222)
pl <- new(CohortTop, p[[1]])
pl$set_ode_values(NA, ode.values)

e2 <- new(Environment, p)
e2$time <- 86.0951665778996
# light environment:
env.h <- c(0, 0.0706915821240676, 0.141383164248135,
0.212074746372203, 0.282766328496271, 0.424149492744406,
0.565532656992541, 0.706915821240677, 0.848298985488812,
0.989682149736947, 1.13106531398508, 1.69659797097762,
2.26213062797016, 2.33282221009423, 2.4035137922183, 2.47420537434237,
2.54489695646644, 2.6155885385905, 2.68628012071457, 2.75697170283864,
2.82766328496271, 2.89835486708677, 2.96904644921084,
3.03973803133491, 3.11042961345898, 3.25181277770711,
3.39319594195525, 3.95872859894779, 4.52426125594033,
5.08979391293287, 5.65532656992541, 6.22085922691795,
6.78639188391049, 7.35192454090303, 7.91745719789558,
8.48298985488812, 9.04852251188066, 9.6140551688732, 10.1795878258657,
10.462354154362, 10.7451204828583, 11.0278868113546, 11.3106531398508,
11.8761857968434, 12.4417184538359, 13.0072511108284, 13.572783767821,
13.8555500963173, 14.1383164248135, 14.4210827533098,
14.7038490818061, 14.9866154103023, 15.2693817387986,
15.4107649030467, 15.5521480672949, 15.693531231543, 15.8349143957912,
15.9762975600393, 16.1176807242874, 16.2590638885356,
16.4004470527837, 16.4711386349078, 16.5418302170318,
16.6125217991559, 16.68321338128, 16.718559172342, 16.753904963404,
16.7892507544661, 16.8245965455281, 16.8952881276522,
16.9659797097762, 17.1073628740244, 17.2487460382725,
17.3194376203966, 17.3901292025206, 17.4608207846447,
17.5315123667688, 17.6022039488928, 17.6728955310169, 17.743587113141,
17.814278695265, 17.8496244863271, 17.8849702773891, 17.9203160684512,
17.9556618595132, 17.9910076505752, 18.0263534416372,
18.0440263371683, 18.0616992326993, 18.0793721282303,
env.o <- c(0.180486337142568, 0.180486337147787, 0.180486358518567, 0.18048910685609,
0.18057013205017, 0.181712264219988, 0.183246579686081, 0.184580211455342,
0.185751692246158, 0.186874327813336, 0.188115432978489, 0.192059634941895,
0.195864177118023, 0.196331582835284, 0.19689106805119, 0.197484908266511,
0.197959184020857, 0.198364214257562, 0.198865369451569, 0.199455292298381,
0.20009611549665, 0.200691866220595, 0.20113620232289, 0.201639517788639,
0.202232194744203, 0.203589479866637, 0.204690812019126, 0.209479015256088,
0.213950029750206, 0.21745336289642, 0.220313915636523, 0.222857540130059,
0.225259935665538, 0.227615327753224, 0.22986760144921, 0.231979570816353,
0.234019648981187, 0.236082099793756, 0.238225427028091, 0.239308578304744,
0.240480646376292, 0.241660123957485, 0.242985716781975, 0.246276747950488,
0.251379306034396, 0.25967423917509, 0.273175481718378, 0.28281360625541,
0.295067334289346, 0.310606138090801, 0.330255869297039, 0.355215944332385,
0.386929273497436, 0.40582052029207, 0.427022969013262, 0.450751562485298,
0.477202044101185, 0.506525692698944, 0.538791575737938, 0.573932093968063,
0.611667200427876, 0.631337780663232, 0.65140322965054, 0.671719299584378,
0.692104803547527, 0.702255627094342, 0.712336558533343, 0.722312319433006,
0.732144401834775, 0.751206598738877, 0.769261886058657, 0.805702827453308,
0.842880187718079, 0.861542718427816, 0.880089511674598, 0.89833195340525,
0.916048428056143, 0.932981518340161, 0.948835641562755, 0.963275394256344,
0.975924942918302, 0.981450058070619, 0.986368867739842, 0.990623711999896,
0.994154933024903, 0.996901104755459, 0.998799379901095, 0.999410676282478,
0.999791899250619, 0.9999680645666, 1)
env.s <- new(Interpolator)
env.s$init(env.h, env.o)
e2$light_environment <- env.s

Here is the problem:

## [1] -26.52
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