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Rich FitzJohn edited this page May 1, 2014 · 1 revision
## Loading required package: Rcpp

This might be useful, as we see many of the traits play out on a log scale.

log.seq <- function(from, to, length.out)
  exp(seq(log(from), log(to), length.out=length.out))

Starting rain here is close to the equilibrium from scripts/equilibrium.R -- because the function is actually not terrifically smooth, it's not really the equilbrium seed rain, but close enough for our purposes.

p <- new(Parameters)
p$seed_rain <- 505.55407
p$set_parameters(list(patch_area=1.0))   # See issue #13
p$set_control_parameters(fast.control()) # A bit faster

t.max <- p$disturbance$cdf(
schedule0 <- schedule.from.times(cohort.introduction.times(t.max))
schedule <- build.schedule(p, schedule0, 20, 1e-2,
                           progress=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)
## 1: Splitting {25} times (141)
## 2: Splitting {14} times (166)
## 3: Splitting {5} times (180)
## 4: Splitting {5} times (185)
## 5: Splitting {1} times (190)

Once the schedule building is improved, we'll fix it so that this is not required. We should return a list with all the required bits I think.

Running this takes about 2.9s.

ebt <- run.ebt(p, schedule$copy())
schedule$ode_times <- ebt$ode_times

Now, let's get a view of the fitness landscape with respect to one parameter.

lma <- p[[1]]$parameters[["lma"]]

n.mutants <- 11

Add the mutants; they will all be introduced with a seed rain of 1, though they will not influence the environent at all.

p.with.mutants <- p$copy()

Add a vector of new lmas:

p.with.mutants$add_strategy_mutant(new(Strategy, list(lma=lma)))
for (i in seq(lma * 0.1, lma * 1.2, length.out=n.mutants))
  p.with.mutants$add_strategy_mutant(new(Strategy, list(lma=i)))

Probably could benefit from an expand method?

TODO: simple n_mutant and n_resident method for Parameters

expand.schedule <- function(schedule, n.mutant) {
  n.resident <- schedule$n_species
  if (n.resident != 1)
    stop("Can only expand a schedule with one resident at the moment")
  ret <- new(CohortSchedule, n.resident + n.mutant)
  ret$max_time <- schedule$max_time

  ## Copy residents over:
  for (i in seq_len(n.resident))
    ret$set_times(schedule$times(i), i)

  ## TODO: work out what to do better here:
  times.mutant <- schedule$times(1)
  for (i in seq_len(n.mutant))
    ret$set_times(times.mutant, n.resident + i)

  ret$ode_times <- schedule$ode_times


Next, update the schedule! TODO: update to do p$n_mutants

schedule2 <- expand.schedule(schedule, n.mutants+1)

And run, producing only fitnesses. The resident fitness should be unchanged here.

Unfortunately this is very slow! We probably need to think carefully about how to speed this up.

ebt.with.mutants <- run.ebt(p.with.mutants, schedule2)
w.with.mutants <- ebt.with.mutants$fitnesses

lma.v <- sapply(seq_len(p.with.mutants$size),
                function(i) p.with.mutants[[i]]$parameters[["lma"]])
plot(lma.v[-(1:2)], w.with.mutants[-(1:2)], log="y")
points(lma.v[[1]], w.with.mutants[[1]] / p$seed_rain[[1]],
       col="red", pch=19)
points(lma.v[[2]], w.with.mutants[[2]],
       col="blue", pch=19, cex=.5)

plot of chunk fitness_landscape

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