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shivamh71 edited this page May 13, 2013 · 1 revision

First Week Project Report:


Try to understand the source code of DC++ written in C++ and C#. As we are making android based file sharing app like DC++, our Mentor had advised us to look into DC++ protocol and java socket programming .We looked into java socket programming and tried to understand its use in our project.


Mainly problem is to understand the source code for DC++. We are also facing the dilemma whether we replicate the DC++ source code written in C++ and C# into java or we will start from scratch and build our app after understanding DC++ protocol and java socket programming.


To avail the facility of using internet, dealing with clients and servers, we will learn about JAVA SOCKET PROGRAMMING. And also try to figure out a way out of our above dilemma by comparing the cons and pros of both way mentioned above if there will be some time left after JAVA SOCKET PROGRAMMING.

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